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The One Problem That Underlies Male Anger and Wrecks Relationships
I’ve been a psychotherapist for fifty years now and I’ve seen a lot of angry men and counseled thousands of women who live with angry men. I’ve also helped many more relationships recover when they’ve been on the brink of ending. I’ve found that there is one problem that causes more damage than any other,... CONTINUE READING→
Bedwetting 8-Year Old — When is Enough Enough?
Dear Mr. Dad: My 8-year old still wets her bed at night. She’s really embarrassed about it and doesn’t want to have sleepovers, either at our home or—especially—anywhere else. She’s really stressed about it, which I imagine is just making the problem worse. How common is it for an 8-year old to be wetting her... CONTINUE READING→
We Don’t Really Know America’s Nonworking Men
It’s been a decade since Lehman Brothers collapsed, careening America deeper into the Great Recession that led nearly nine million Americans to lose their jobs. Although the official unemployment rate is low, the proportion of men who were working last month was actually four percentage points lower than it was a decade ago, according to... CONTINUE READING→
Infidelity: Why Men and Women Cheat and How to Prevent It
There is nothing more satisfying than finding the love of your life and nothing more painful than finding your loved one has cheated on you. This year I’ll celebrate 50 years working to help men and women live joyful, passionate, lives. Since receiving my graduate degree from U.C. Berkeley in 1968, I have counseled more... CONTINUE READING→
That’s It: Only 173 “Last Warnings” Left…
Dear Mr. Dad: My husband and I have always tried to emphasize good study habits to our 13-year old daughter. But no matter what we say or how many times we say it, she goes into her room, closes the door, and plays on her phone or texts her friends instead of doing her homework.... CONTINUE READING→
The Penis: An Organ of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) is on fire right now. But AI is by no means new. The concept was coined 60 years ago by John McCarthy who defined it as “the science and engineering of making intelligent machines.” And there’s been some impressive AI successes since then. Remember when IBM’s Deep Blue beat world chess champion Gary Kasparov... CONTINUE READING→
To Address “Male Rage,” Consider its Nuances
Angry white male voters. Men’s boorish—if not criminal—behavior highlighted by the #MeToo movement. The backlash after the Kavanaugh hearings. These have provoked much talk about “male rage,” as if it is a single definable phenomenon concentrated among working-class white Trump supporters. This is simplistic and wrong. And it makes it more difficult to address the... CONTINUE READING→
Avoiding the Holiday Blues
The six weeks encompassing Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s—collectively called “the holidays”—are for most a magically unique time of year, filled with holiday carols, reunions, displays of colorful lights, love, and affection, often expressed through gift giving. But for some, the holidays bring hurt. Caused by factors including the weather, separation, death, stress, unrealistic expectations,... CONTINUE READING→
The Biggest Health Problem We’re Terrified to Talk About
I’ll be 75 years old this year. My wife, Carlin, will be 80. Even our 5 children are rushing past mid-life. We’ve all had health challenges that we talk about with family, friends, and our health-care providers. But there’s one problem that remains hidden. It’s depression and bipolar disorder. My father suffered from them for... CONTINUE READING→
She Wants Another Baby, but He Doesn’t
Dear Mr. Dad. We have an almost two-year old who keeps us pretty busy. Recently, though, my wife has been talking about having a second child. I’m honestly not that thrilled about the idea. We barely have enough time to take care of ourselves and our baby. How are we supposed to add a fourth... CONTINUE READING→