Young Men, Eating Disorders, & Social Media: Affecting Men & Boys Alike

In a 2023 study, the American Psychological Association found that social media usage “is associated with poor body image in youth, a known predictor of eating disorders.” This fact has been, more or less, accepted as common knowledge for the past decade or so. And while the prevalence of eating disorders has been reflected in the domains of medicine, public health, and academia, an overwhelming majority of the ensuing discourse has focused solely on women and girls. This assumption, however, that eating disorders only impact women and girls is no longer a tenable one. Continue reading

Closing the Gap: How You Can Make a Difference This Giving Tuesday and Beyond

We need your help this Holiday Season to make an impact with the health and well-being of men and boys everywhere. The Lifespan Gender Gap has widened to 6 years, with men dying way too early from preventable diseases. We need everyone's help to get life-saving education, resources, and more into the hearts of communities across America. Consider purchasing from the Men's Health Network store or by donating today. Continue reading

Wellness in the Workplace for Men: Thriving Through Health & Wellness

Wellness in the Workplace for Men: Thriving Through Health & Wellness As we have stated in previous articles, employees spend more than one-third of their lives at work, which makes the workplace the perfect arena for workers to get evidence-based healthcare information designed to improve health and make healthcare services more accessible. Many organizations provide...Continue reading

An Inspiring Story of Patient Care: Thriving After Surgery

An Inspiring Story of Patient Care: Thriving After Surgery I recently had the pleasure of interviewing the dynamic duo of Jama Anders, a professional weightlifter and longtime Crossfit instructor, and his spine surgeon, Dr. Ehsan Jazini, who, in a seemingly miraculous intervention, was able to perform a disc replacement on Jama that would allow him...Continue reading

The Perfect Citizen: 300 Spartans

At some point, you must wonder why he will not share his feelings with you, such as by never seeing him cry or get emotional. Western males’ unemotional intelligence is like some secret oath they are taught to take as toddlers and carry with them through life, like an old, raggedy piece of luggage. Most...Continue reading

Reduce the Stigma and See Your Doctor

“Reduce the Stigma and See Your Doctor,” Says the Urologist Written By: Girish K. Mour, M.B.B.S., Nahid Punjani, M.D., M.P.H., and Daniel M. Frendl, M.D., Ph.D As Urologists, we remain the gatekeeper for men’s health. Not only are men are known to engage in higher-risk behavior but are also less likely to see to their...Continue reading

Testicular Cancer Awareness Month: A Disease of Youth and Health Negligence

Testicular Cancer Awareness Month: A Disease of Youth and Health Negligence April is Testicular Cancer Awareness Month. This month, along with other awareness periods that particularly emphasize the necessity of men’s well-being, is often overlooked by those operating in the health advocacy sphere. And if not comprehensively ignored, discussion surrounding testicular cancer is often relegated...Continue reading

The Case for Prostate Cancer Diagnostics & Treatments

The Case for Prostate Cancer Diagnostics & Treatments Written By: Cassie Whyte A few days ago, I had the pleasure of speaking with prominent Urologist, prostate cancer expert, and men’s health advocate, Dr. E David Crawford. Throughout his decades of experience, Dr. Crawford has dedicated himself to improving prostate cancer diagnostics and treatment, as well...Continue reading

Low Testosterone and Dementia Risk: Exploring the Research

Testosterone is a crucial hormone for the male body, Testosterone gives men energy, sex drive, muscle mass, motivation, and overall health. As men age, their testosterone naturally decreases... Learn more about proactive and preventative precautions in this great blog entry!Continue reading

Young man looking in the mountains at golden hour

Real Benefits of Male Hormone Replacement

Is testosterone therapy really all it’s cracked up to be? Does it really help your sex life? Does it actually help you live longer? Is testosterone the medicinal Holy Grail for men? And how, pray tell, have we come to believe that anabolic-suffused competitive bodybuilders, those (spray) tanned Adonis’ with ripped, ballooned muscles everywhere, are truly “healthy”...Continue reading

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