The Case for Prostate Cancer Diagnostics & Treatments Written By: Cassie Whyte A few days ago, I had the pleasure of speaking with prominent Urologist, prostate cancer expert, and men’s health advocate, Dr. E David Crawford. Throughout his decades of experience, Dr. Crawford has dedicated himself to improving prostate cancer diagnostics and treatment, as well...Continue reading
Category: STDs
Fighting the HIV Epidemic Together: Addressing Inclusion for Men of Color in HIV Prevention
I grew up in an affirming faith community that had an AIDS outreach ministry in the early 1990s, which was a radical move during that period and a statement that I hope helps frame my story. For 16 years, HIV has been a major part of my life. Though my HIV status is negative, I...Continue reading
Moving Forward: Working to End the HIV Epidemic
This June marked 40 years since the first cases of what is now known as HIV, then AIDS, were reported by CDC. We have made great progress in HIV testing, prevention, and treatment in the last four decades. Reductions in the number of people that get HIV likely reflect more access to HIV prevention tools...Continue reading
Research tests benefits of matching addiction patients to treatment options
When it comes to gender, alcohol and drug abuse are not equal-opportunity afflictions. Men are more likely than women to use almost all types of illegal drugs, and they are more likely to end up in emergency rooms or dying as a result of overdose, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Men also have...Continue reading
The Skinny on STIs and Male Infertility
How many sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are there right now in the U.S.? Believe it or not, 110,000,000! That’s double the number of folks that get the flu each year. Talk about an epidemic! Not only that, but 20,000,000 new STIs are diagnosed each year. Fully half of these infections occur in 15- to 24-year-olds. Unfortunately, most studies examining STIs and...Continue reading
Can I Get an STD Even When Wearing a Condom?
Many people mistakenly believe that using a condom completely protects from all sexually transmitted diseases, however, this is not the truth. It is still very possible to contract dangerous illnesses, even if a condom is used. Keep reading for some valuable information regarding the possibility of spreading a sexually transmitted disease while still using protection....Continue reading
The Importance of STI Screening
The first thing to know about sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is that you don’t need to have sex to become affected by one. Any form of skin-on-skin contact with another person could be sufficient to transfer an STI if the other party is already affected. That’s not to say that you will have an STI...Continue reading
Effective Ways to Improve Your Sexual Health
Being in a relationship may require you to be sexually active, and you will want to enjoy this part of life in the process. However, the challenges of getting older can make this more difficult for many men. In fact, studies show that 50% of men begin to have erectile dysfunction at around the age...Continue reading
Pubic Hair Removal May Increase STDs
If your personal grooming habits include “going bare down there” beware – a new study finds those who indulge in a Brazilian bikini wax or other forms of grooming pubic hair are three to four times more likely to contract a sexually transmitted disease (STD) including herpes, human papillomavirus (HPV) or syphilis. The study wanted...Continue reading
What Men Need to Know about STDs
What do you know about STDs? Probably not enough. Check out this informative infographic from Carvaka. You may have to click to enlarge. Source: Carvaka