Young Men, Eating Disorders, & Social Media: Affecting Men & Boys Alike

In a 2023 study, the American Psychological Association found that social media usage “is associated with poor body image in youth, a known predictor of eating disorders.” This fact has been, more or less, accepted as common knowledge for the past decade or so. And while the prevalence of eating disorders has been reflected in the domains of medicine, public health, and academia, an overwhelming majority of the ensuing discourse has focused solely on women and girls. This assumption, however, that eating disorders only impact women and girls is no longer a tenable one. Continue reading

Closing the Gap: How You Can Make a Difference This Giving Tuesday and Beyond

We need your help this Holiday Season to make an impact with the health and well-being of men and boys everywhere. The Lifespan Gender Gap has widened to 6 years, with men dying way too early from preventable diseases. We need everyone's help to get life-saving education, resources, and more into the hearts of communities across America. Consider purchasing from the Men's Health Network store or by donating today. Continue reading

An Inspiring Story of Patient Care: Thriving After Surgery

An Inspiring Story of Patient Care: Thriving After Surgery I recently had the pleasure of interviewing the dynamic duo of Jama Anders, a professional weightlifter and longtime Crossfit instructor, and his spine surgeon, Dr. Ehsan Jazini, who, in a seemingly miraculous intervention, was able to perform a disc replacement on Jama that would allow him...Continue reading

Weight Management Medications: What Men Need to Know

As a man exploring weight loss options, you've likely heard about new medications making headlines. Understanding Weight Management Medications A new class of medications, known as GLP-1 receptor agonists (or SGLP-like medications), have shown impressive results in promoting weight loss and improving overall metabolic health.Continue reading

Recognizing Hemochromatosis Awareness Month This July

Recognizing Hemochromatosis Awareness Month This July By: Douglas M. Weine, MD July marks National Hemochromatosis Awareness Month, a crucial time to educate and inform the public about this often-overlooked disorder. Hemochromatosis, commonly known as iron overload disorder, can lead to severe health complications if left untreated. Men especially can benefit from the educational side of...Continue reading

Dialogue on Sleep Apnea: Linkage to Serious Chronic Conditions

We need a national dialogue on obstructive sleep apnea and must prioritize it along with other serious chronic conditions, such as obesity and heart disease.   Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is understood to be a common chronic medical condition, yet it is often ignored by many. Some people may feel conscious about snoring or the...Continue reading

Benefits of Weightlifting

Sure-fire, get-in-the-best-shape-of-your-life-or-your-money-back fitness fads have been around for thousands of years. Just in my lifetime, I’ve seen Boot Camps, Bowflex, CrossFit, Hula Hooping, Insanity, Jazzecise, Kettle Bells, P90X, Pilates, Pole Dancing, Spinning, Tabata—and that’s by no means a complete list. Over the years (centuries really), there’s been one method that won’t ever show up on...Continue reading

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