Dialogue on Sleep Apnea: Linkage to Serious Chronic Conditions

We need a national dialogue on obstructive sleep apnea and must prioritize it along with other serious chronic conditions, such as obesity and heart disease.   Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is understood to be a common chronic medical condition, yet it is often ignored by many. Some people may feel conscious about snoring or the...Continue reading

Benefits of Weightlifting

Sure-fire, get-in-the-best-shape-of-your-life-or-your-money-back fitness fads have been around for thousands of years. Just in my lifetime, I’ve seen Boot Camps, Bowflex, CrossFit, Hula Hooping, Insanity, Jazzecise, Kettle Bells, P90X, Pilates, Pole Dancing, Spinning, Tabata—and that’s by no means a complete list. Over the years (centuries really), there’s been one method that won’t ever show up on...Continue reading

what women need to know about men's health

What Women Need to Know About Men’s Health

Dear Healthy Men: As a wife, daughter, sister, and mother of two boys, I’m surrounded by men. What do I need to know about men’s health? A: I’ve always maintained that men’s health is a women’s issue, since when men are healthier, their partners become healthier too (along with their children and communities). Here are the...Continue reading

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