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Ditch your dad bod in 5 easy steps
Men with dad bods, beware. Your sex appeal appears to be dwindling. Maybe some women still profess to prefer a man with what they consider a sexy “dad bod” but new research finds that the pleasantly plump physique could likely increase health risks later in life.
Love (or the Lack Thereof) in the Time of COVID
Dear Mr. Dad: Now that the COVID-19 pandemic seems to be coming to an end, I’m curious about whether it has had much of an impact on family relationships, both between mom and dad and between parents and their children. A: I hope you’re right about the pandemic coming to an end. More than 100 million... CONTINUE READING→
Five Ways to Prioritize Your Mental Health
When it comes to mental health, many men are apprehensive about recognizing when there’s an issue beyond their control. Taking a step further and admitting that there is a need for help is even harder for a lot of men. After all, societal influences are constantly hammering away with phrases like “man up” leading men... CONTINUE READING→
How Does the mRNA COVID Vaccine Alter Us Genetically?
Actually, it doesn’t. It’s not putting a DNA “genetic code” into our bodies. Instead, it’s an injection of the downstream instructions for protein-making molecules called mRNA. These molecules are quickly broken down by cells soon after being injected and don’t have the capacity to genetically “transform” cells like DNA can. Some other facts about the... CONTINUE READING→
COVID-19’s impact on American men’s mental health
COVID-19 has not been kind to men. Not only have more men had more severe cases of the infection but more men have died from it than women. Now, a study from a Cleveland Clinic survey took a look at about 1,000 men, age 18 and older, to assess how they are coping with the... CONTINUE READING→
It’s Not Easy Being Big: Overweight Men Suffer Discrimination at the Mall and At Work
Dear Healthy Men: A few weeks ago, you did a column on how short men face discrimination when compared to taller men. I’m wondering whether the same kind of thing applies to men who are overweight or obese. A: Although we all know that we’re not supposed to judge books by their cover, the truth is... CONTINUE READING→
Defining Mental Health: Words Matter
May is mental health awareness month and while it’s vitally important to shine the spotlight on specific struggles (anxiety, depression, ADHD, setting boundaries with toxic people, etc.) I believe it’s important to also understand what the term “mental health” actually means. The other tidbit of information I feel is vital to share has to do... CONTINUE READING→
Men’s Health Network Celebrates National Women’s Health Week
National Women’s Health Week, which serves as a reminder for women and girls to make their health a priority, takes place from May 9-15 this year. It is important for all women and girls, especially during the outbreak of COVID-19, to continually take care of themselves and each other. Starting off the week with Mother’s... CONTINUE READING→
Resilience: The Greatest Gift You Can Give Your Children
Dear Mr. Dad: Of all the non-material things parents can give to their children, what do you think is the most important? A: Well, that’s about as close to an impossible question as I’ve ever been asked. Of course, happiness comes to mind. But then so does the ability to form close, loving relationships. So does... CONTINUE READING→
Fighting for Health Equity Year ‘Round: National Minority Health Month
April is National Minority Health Month, making it the perfect time to focus on the often-significant disparities in health and wellbeing that affect racial and ethnic minorities across our country. But it’s important to remember that these inequities exist every single day of the year, not just in April. What do we mean by “disparities”... CONTINUE READING→