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Dole’s career distinguished by efforts on behalf of men’s health

With his usual directness and humility, former Kansas senator and Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole, 97, announced in February that he is suffering from lung cancer.  It was the second time he had announced a cancer diagnosis, but less exceptional than the first time. In 1991, his office released the news that he had undergone... CONTINUE READING

relationships with children change when they leave home

How Your Relationships with Your Children Change When They Leave Home

Dear Mr. Dad: Our daughter is going away to college. On one hand, I’m thrilled that she’s becoming so independent. But we’ve always been very close and I’m worried that our relationship will suffer. Will it? A: Well, the day you’ve hoped for and dreaded is finally here. Your child is going to move out. Some... CONTINUE READING

orescription drugs

Congress Should Put Patients First

Washington, DC (June 10, 2021) – Men’s Health Network (MHN), a national non-profit organization whose mission is to raise awareness of men’s health issues, released the following statement regarding HR 3, the House’s drug pricing package: While it is encouraging that legislators are working to lower health care costs, it’s imperative that the means of... CONTINUE READING

Do I qualify for lower costs on Marketplace coverage?

Need coverage for the rest of 2021? You have through August 15, 2021 to apply and enroll through the new Special Enrollment Period for the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) emergency. You might qualify for savings, even if you didn’t before. In fact, most people do!

2020 prostate cancer awareness month

Removing men’s stigma of prostate cancer

A diagnosis of any type of cancer is unsettling and scary to say the least. But even more concerning is how some cancer diagnoses may conjure certain perceptions or feelings than other cancers. For example, a person who’s received a diagnosis of lung cancer, who also smoked for decades, may evoke stigma from his community... CONTINUE READING

Why Is Emotional Health Stereotyped as a Woman’s Issue?

The age of social media has seen the normalization of various aspects of life previously considered taboo. A primary example of this is mental health awareness. Instagram and Twitter are overflowing with examples of females (some with large followings) sharing vulnerable stories about their struggles with depression, anxiety, and more. They openly discuss their journey... CONTINUE READING

allergies and heart disease

Allergies and Heart Disease Connection: What I Learned With My Son

Most of us have experienced the misery to some degree—the sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes and mucous overload that comes along with allergies. According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, allergies affect more than 50 million people in the United States—and that number is growing. Already, as many as 30% of adults... CONTINUE READING

ivf vs icsi

In Vitro Fertilization vs. Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection

In vitro fertilization or IVF has been around for over 40 years and is a proven treatment for many forms of female and male infertility. It has even earned itself a Nobel Prize. Known as “test tube baby” technology, it is more aptly called “petri dish conception.” By putting half a million sperm and one egg... CONTINUE READING