Advances to Mirror From Women’s Health: Examining Gender Disparities in Healthcare Policies & Resources

Advances to Mirror From Women’s Health: Examining Gender Disparities in Healthcare Policies & Resources In recent years, there has been commendable progress in implementing policies and acts aimed at enhancing women’s health outcomes. These initiatives have rightfully focused on addressing the unique health challenges faced by women. However, as we celebrate these advancements, it’s imperative...Continue reading

Why Is Emotional Health Stereotyped as a Woman’s Issue?

The age of social media has seen the normalization of various aspects of life previously considered taboo. A primary example of this is mental health awareness. Instagram and Twitter are overflowing with examples of females (some with large followings) sharing vulnerable stories about their struggles with depression, anxiety, and more. They openly discuss their journey...Continue reading

rethinking patient engagement

New Year Equals New Opportunities To Stay on Top Of Your Health

You know what they say: New Year equals a new me, right? Well, despite the overwhelming feeling of relief by many that our calendars have flipped from 2020 to 2021, it is absolutely vital to both men and women to make a plan to stay on top of their health. Some could read that last...

women's health crisis delusion

The Women’s Health“Crisis” Delusion?

The recent “pink wave” swept into Congress an unprecedented number of women, many of whom put women’s health high on their list of priorities. There’s no question that much can—and should—be done to improve women’s health. However, there’s also no question that a legislative focus on women’s health continues to ignore a far larger problem:...Continue reading

He Really IS Listening…

Tired of the cold? Tired of brown snow? Good, because spring is one short week away. So, what’s your plan for sticking with that exercise plan you resolved to start on New Years? Here’s a hint: partner up! Behind the Man We all know that the biggest readers of the men’s health manual are…partners. Coupled men...Continue reading

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