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Can Men Survive the Demise of the Bread-Winner Role?

Like many men, my father grew up knowing that he had to be successful as the family breadwinner. Then, as now, it wasn’t always easy to fulfill that crucial role that is at the core of a man’s self-esteem. While his brothers all went into business, my father’s passion was to be an actor. When... CONTINUE READING

manopause and biological clock

Manopause and the Male Biological Clock

You’ve driven the same old car for years. Now, all of a sudden, you just have to have the newest Corvette? Do you find yourself obsessing about others half the age of your spouse? Are you feeling really old and depressed around the younger bucks at work? Are your sex drive and erections plummeting faster... CONTINUE READING

dna testing

Is an At-Home DNA Test an Ideal Gift, Really?

At-home genetic testing kits can be fun—as long as you know the risks   Perhaps 2017 might be remembered as the first holiday season when at-home genetic testing kits received the same billing as the latest version of Amazon’s electronic assistant Alexa. These kits, which allow consumers to submit a saliva sample via mail and... CONTINUE READING

How to Enhance Your Athletic Performance

Fitness Fever: How to Enhance Your Athletic Performance in 2018

To perform at your best in the coming year, you need to pull out all the stops and do everything in your power to achieve your personal potential. Athletic performance is studied in great depth by the brightest minds on the planet. Below are some of their insights into achieving peak performance: Get at Least... CONTINUE READING

men need not apply

Men Need Not Apply

The current climate of gender purging is an alarming one.   “In Boston, the leader of a businesswomen’s group said that some women were so angry about the wave of sexual harassment revelations that they no longer wanted to hire more men.” That’s the opening line in a recent article in the New York Times. The woman is 32-year-old... CONTINUE READING

father absence quiz

Has a Father’s Absence Impacted Your Life? Take the Quiz to Find Out

When I was five years old, my father had, what was called at the time, “a nervous breakdown,” and was hospitalized. He never came home again and he and my Mom got a divorce. I was raised by a single Mom and it never occurred to me that my father’s absence might have been harmful... CONTINUE READING

Four Ways Goodwill Can Help with New Year’s Resolutions

When do you start planning your resolutions? Most people start right about now. Sometimes our goals are pie-in-the-sky dreams of things that we certainly want to accomplish but may not have the time, the budget, or the wherewithal to get there. And that’s okay. This year, shake things up a little by setting some really... CONTINUE READING

The Connection between Income and Addiction: It May Not Be What You Think

Dear Mr. Dad: The high school in our old neighborhood were well known for drug and alcohol problems. For that reason, a few months ago, my family moved to a new (and very expensive neighborhood) so that my son could attend one of the best schools in our state, one that we hoped wouldn’t have... CONTINUE READING