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Techniques to Enhance Men’s Fertility Treatments

Andrology is a branch of medicine that is concerned with diseases that are specific to males, in particular, the reproductive organs. Andrology focuses on androgen use and abuse, prostate diseases such as prostate cancer, sexual dysfunctions, and testicular disorders such as testicular cancer. Below are some of the ways andrology nurses track their patients’ fertility... CONTINUE READING

do this if you want love to last

The One Thing You Must Do If You Want Love to Last

Love has been a complicated presence in my life from the very beginning. My parents had been trying, unsuccessfully, to have a baby for many years. My mother was finally able to get pregnant through a procedure of collecting and injecting my father’s sperm into her womb (a procedure that was “experimental” seventy-plus years ago).... CONTINUE READING

To Be (or Not to Be) a Dad: Ask the Doctor

Everything you ever wanted to ask your doctor—from conception to contraception. Although Father’s Day is in June, men are becoming fathers all year long. In fact, almost half of American men are fathers. Two-thirds of men first become dads in their 20s, although plenty of men father children sooner or later—into their 40s, 50s and... CONTINUE READING

this kills marriages

The One Thing That Kills Most Marriages

My wife, Carlin, and I were enjoying a wonderful dinner at the new vegan Caribbean restaurant in Willits when a friend and his wife saw us eating outside. “How’s the food here?” Henry wanted to know. “It’s great,” we told them. “It’s real, authentic, handmade, and delicious.” As we chatted they introduced us to Henry’s... CONTINUE READING

support girls in tech

How Men Win when They Support Women in Technology

Forging healthy relationships in and out of the workplace has benefits for everyone.   When it comes to technology in the workplace, men historically have always had the edge, occupying the majority of jobs. These days however, it’s not just men who are geeking out over technology and occupying the majority of seats in colleges... CONTINUE READING

dad escapes from the nuthouse

From Madness to Manhood: My Father Escapes from the Nuthouse

We were planning to celebrate my 13th birthday with a dinner at my special restaurant, The Pump Room, which served my favorite dessert, a strawberry short-cake with homemade whipped cream. But the celebration was interrupted with a phone call from my uncle, Harry. “Edith, Muni escaped from Camarillo today,” uncle Harry told her. I could hear his anxiety... CONTINUE READING