Over the past decade or so, science has made amazing strides in improving our well-being. It wasn’t all that long ago, for example, that people thought that meditation was done only by fringe, religious fanatics from Asia. Today, many researchers see meditation as a miracle because of its substantial benefits, including reducing stress, depression, and...Continue reading
Tag: hair loss
What Knot to Do to Keep Your Hair
If you’re one of those guys who follows celebrity fashion trends and hairstyles (and even if you’re not), you’ve noticed that a growing number of men are tying their hair up into a single knot on the top or back of their head. If you’ve been tempted to do the same to your hair, you...Continue reading
Hair Loss Treatment for Men
Are you noticing your hair thinning? Or are you worried that you might have hair loss because your father and grandfather are bald? There are several ways to pre-emptively or take back control of your hair! Male Pattern Baldness is defined by a pattern of receding hairline and hair thinning on the crown, and is...Continue reading
Could Researchers Have Discovered a Cure for Baldness?
One of the harder moments in adulthood comes at the realization that you’re getting older. It doesn’t fully sink in, however, until that exact moment when you look in the bathroom mirror and start to see your hair thinning. You are losing a little bit of yourself with every strand. Every memory of combing your...Continue reading
Testosterone Is Bad. No, It’s Good. No, Bad. Wait, It’s Good Again
The news about testosterone changes so quickly that just reading about it could give you whiplash. On one hand, testosterone increases sex drive and muscle growth. That’s good. On the other hand, it’s associated with hair loss and increased risk of prostate cancer. That’s bad. Now new research is looking at testosterone as a way...Continue reading
Got hair? If not, you’ve got an increased prostate cancer risk
Researchers at the University of Toronto just published findings that showed that bald men who had prostate biopsies were more likely to have tumors than their harrier brothers. “Bald men should be aware that they may benefit from being screened earlier and perhaps, if necessary, from being biopsied sooner,” said lead author, Dr. Neil Fleshner.”In...Continue reading