My “Normal” Lifestyle Almost Killed Me

I was living what I thought was a “normal” lifestyle when all of a sudden I was facing death. One day I was visiting family, the next I was in the hospital experiencing dizziness and shortness of breath. I soon learned I had three blocked arteries, and would quickly need triple coronary bypass surgery to...Continue reading

Could peer mentors help people with apnea get a better night of sleep?

Imagine going to sleep and having someone jab you 30 to 80 times an hour, every hour, until your alarm goes off. How rested would you feel in the morning? That’s how one patient describes what it feels like to suffer from sleep apnea. Sleep apnea interrupts breathing sometimes hundreds of times a night. The...Continue reading

Men: Be aware of these chronic diseases

Although the gap has definitely decreased, men still live an average of five years less than women. And although both men and women are affected by chronic illness, men tend to smoke and drink more than women increasing their risk of many diseases. To top it off, men are also much less diligent about getting...Continue reading

Bribery and Weight Loss: More Connected Than You’d Think

Just about anyone over the age of 10 can tell you the dangers of being overweight or obese: increased risk of developing arthritis, breathing problems (such as sleep apnea), cancer, diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, and more. Then then there are the quality of life issues: anxiety, depression, shame, guilt, sexual problems, discrimination (including lower...Continue reading

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