A man in Idaho recently tried to perform his own sinus surgery. He had been told he needed sinus surgery to stop snoring, and when he realized he couldn’t possibly afford the procedure, he decided to do it himself. He drank hard for a week straight, then inserted straws in his nose and hit himself in...Continue reading
Category: Well-being
How to Attract a Financially Fit Woman (Hint: Be a Financially Savvy Man)
Arguments about money trigger worse fights than any other topic, and they are the biggest and earliest indicator that a couple is heading for a break-up, according to Kansas State University research. People fight over things such as differing beliefs about how money should be used, unmet financial expectations and disagreements about who controls the...Continue reading
An Interview with Dr. Jeffry Life
Sixteen years ago, Dr. Jeffry Life was practicing family medicine in Pennsylvania. He was overweight, a borderline diabetic, and so out of shape that he got winded climbing a single flight of stairs. “I wasn’t a very good role model for my patients,” he says. At the suggestion of one of those patients, Life started...Continue reading
Can Marriage Make You Healthier? Could Be
As those of us who work in men’s health know, one of the biggest obstacles keeping men from being as healthy as they could be is their overall reluctance to see a medical professional, whether that’s for regular, preventive care, or for an actual problem. When asked why they’re so resistant, men have a lot...Continue reading
The Anatomy of the Ejaculate
Here’s a million dollar question: From whence does the ejaculate come? The word “semen” is actually Latin, derived from “cemani” meaning “juice.” Great, Doc, but where does the juice actually come from? A Complex Sauce Fluids from several different body organs mix and mingle before being expelled as ejaculate. The much-maligned prostate, a reliable cause of urination issues with age,...Continue reading
The Modern Truth About Sleep: 5 Reasons You Should Be Getting Enough
Sleep: Kids hate it, college students love it and adults cherish it. Sleep, or lack thereof, does some amazing things to the body. Check it out: Good Sleep Changes Your Face We all know the haggard look of someone who has not slept, but scientific research on the matter has not been conducted until recently....Continue reading
Head to Toe Health: Tips To Get You In Top Shape
With pool season here, everyone is talking exercise. Beyond looking good in a swimsuit, while you’re getting your heart rate up, you’re doing much more for your body than you know. From the brain to the eyes, skin, heart, lungs, stomach, joints and more, exercise has big benefits for almost every part of you.Continue reading
Motocross: A High-Octane Alternative to Bicycling
Fitness experts have long lauded bicycling as an exceptionally effective form of exercise. It is a full-body workout keeping the bike balanced, steering through obstacles and, of course, pedaling. Since motocross takes the most obvious lower-body work out of the equation, many people view it as more of an activity than a sport. The presence...Continue reading
Simple Steps to Living a Healthy Lifestyle
Healthy living doesn’t happen overnight. In fact, it requires months of consistency and conviction. A healthy lifestyle, though challenging when first starting out, has innumerable benefits and truly enriches your mind, body and soul. It isn’t enough to take on a short-term diet or sign up for this month’s workout fad. Instead, wellness should be...Continue reading
Your Health Guide For Staying Well While Traveling Abroad
Dodging polio or malaria while overseas starts with prevention. The following is a preventative guide for staying healthy while traveling abroad and tips on what to do if you get sick in a foreign country. Trip Prep Basics Learn what you’re up against. Crossing an ocean to a foreign land can expose your health to...Continue reading