Want to Live Long and Prosper? Start Pumping Iron When You’re Young

If you were weak as a teenager, you’re at increased risk of becoming ill and/or dying from a number of factors, including obesity, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Researchers at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden studied more than 1 million Swedish 16-19-year old males and gave them strength tests at the beginning of the...Continue reading

Don’t Let Your ‘Stache Turn into Nothing But Lip Service

So here we are, almost the end of November – or Movember, if you’re one of the many men around the world who’ve sprouted some facial hair as a way to give something more than lip service to men’s health. But growing a Fu Manchu or a goatee or anything else isn’t magic. Facial hair...Continue reading

Men and Suicide: Much More Than a Mental-Health Issue

Anyone who’s ever looked at suicide statistics knows that men are 3-4 times more likely to kill themselves than women are (women, however, attempt suicide more). But what a lot of people don’t realize is that men in lower socio-economic groups—especially men in their 30s, 40s, and 50s—are significantly more likely to commit suicide than...Continue reading

Parental Divorce Linked to Stroke in Males

Men with divorced parents are significantly more likely to suffer a stroke than men from intact families, shows a new study from the University of Toronto. The study, to be published this month in the International Journal of Stroke, shows that adult men who had experienced parental divorce before they turned 18 are three times...Continue reading

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