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sexual harassment = salem witch trials?

Accusations of Sexual Assault: Today’s Salem Witch Trials?

I can write this because I am a woman. A man would be afraid to touch it… More than 400 years ago, nearly 100 years before ratification of the U.S. Constitution, mass hysteria took hold throughout the Massachusetts Bay Colony, most famously in Salem Village, outside of Boston. Almost 70 years ago the same fever... CONTINUE READING


Five Health Problems That Come from Excessive Humidity

Excessive humidity inside your home makes you feel uncomfortable. While minor discomfort is not a serious concern, there are some serious health issues that can develop when you spend a lot of time in an area where the humidity is consistently high. It’s important that you recognize the potential danger to your health and that... CONTINUE READING

testicles like wine bottle

How are Testicles Like Bottles of Wine?

Some wines cellar well and some don’t. Which ones do you keep and which do you drink? There aren’t hard and fast rules here. Just know that 99% of wines should be drunk immediately as only 1% of wines age well. One of the oldest wines every drunk was from a 1200-year old winery in Wurzburger, Germany: it was 421... CONTINUE READING

alzheimer's diagnosis

Promising Techniques for Earlier Alzheimer’s Diagnosis

Recent technologies allow doctors to diagnose the degenerative brain disease earlier. A dense forest of 100 billion nerve cells flourishes deep within each of our brains. Each of those nerve cells has about 15,000 dendrites that branch out to connect with dendrites from other nerve cells at more than 100 trillion points. Electrical signals race... CONTINUE READING


Man or Marionette? Pinocchio and the Metamorphosis of Manhood

Since it was published in 1883, The Adventures of Pinocchio by Italian writer, Carlo Collodi, has become one of the most widely read and adapted fairy tales of all time.  This may be because the character of Pinocchio represents the archetype of the classic hero- one who experiences a metamorphosis and rebirth as a result... CONTINUE READING

effects of divorce on men

Effects of Divorce on Men

Tough, resilient, and confident – this is the way men are portrayed in the media. Men are not pictured as being weak or needing help, especially when it comes to the family unit. But, according to a study published in the Journal of Men’s Health, men are more susceptible to health issues following a divorce... CONTINUE READING

healthcare insurance fraud

How to Protect Your Family from Healthcare Fraud

Most savvy consumers are already on the lookout for online identity theft and are proactive about protecting their finances, but medical identity theft is an overlooked but pervasive crime that’s on the rise. The number of patients impacted by medical identity theft has increased nearly 22 percent in the last year alone. Untangling medical identity... CONTINUE READING

family jewels

Being as Kind as You Can to Your Fellow Man’s Jewels

The Case of the Month is an actual patient of The Turek Clinics. In my life and work, I have always believed in the mantra of the modernist architect Mies van der Rohe that “less is more”. However, as a card-carrying member of the real world, my mantra is really “less can be more.” Especially when it comes to... CONTINUE READING