BREAKING NEWS: Creation of a Federal Office of Men’s Health

TAMH is pleased to announce that the Indian Health Service (IHS) will welcome a new initiative into its effort, the Office of Indian Men’s Health. The novel Office was included within each version of the two congressional houses’ Indian Health Care Improvement Act (IHCIA), H.R. 2708 and S. 1790. The IHCIA was reauthorized permanently and...Continue reading

Sadly, the Luck O’ the Irish Doesn’t Protect Against Drunk Drivers, STDs, Early Death (Or Anything Else for That Matter)

Since it is indeed St. Patrick’s Day and this is a forum for discussing Men’s health you could probably have guessed that the message today would be about the dangers of alcohol consumption.  However, hopefully I can avoid being too stale and provide you with some new information and just enough caution to cause you...Continue reading

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