Skin cancer, the abnormal growth of skin cells, affects people of all ages and races and most often develops on those areas most exposed to the sun. It is the most common form of cancer diagnosed in the U.S. with more than 3.5 million diagnoses annually – more than the new diagnoses of breast, prostate,...Continue reading
Tag: men’s health
Boxers verse Brief—Can your underwear lower your sperm count?
The wish to establish a family is a primal desire; however for 10-15 percent of couples in the United States this may not be possible. Every year over 1.2 million patients seek help in the arena of conception, often frustrated and confused.
Part I: Passivity and the Male Psyche
Passivity in men has been one of the least studied, discussed, and explained aspects of masculine psychology. Understanding passivity is an essential and important key to creating healthy relationships, increasing self-esteem and healing the bodies, minds, and spirits of men who are hurting or hurting others.
Mice Sperm in a Dish
It’s not the mother load of discoveries in our field, but it’s pretty close. It tells us that the mother load is definitely out there…and within reach. Yup, the good news is that real. live, old-fashioned sperm were made in a dish… at least for mice.
Men, In Particular, Must Safeguard The Health Of Their Gums
There is a direct link between men and gum disease and cancer. A man who has a history of gum (periodontal) disease is 14 percent more likely to develop cancer than a man who has healthy gums. Periodontal refers to the area “around the tooth.”
A Novel Prostate Cancer Therapy Gets the Green Light
Great news for individuals suffering from prostate cancer and men’s health advocates everywhere, as this week the FDA-approved a new treatment for men with the advanced stage of the disease. The vaccine, called Provenge, is not a traditional preventive cancer vaccine (such as those for cervical cancer), but rather boosts the patient’s immune system to...Continue reading
A Dozen Funny Reasons For Vasectomy
As a vasectomist, I realize that a vasectomy, that iconic way to stop family building in its tracks, is not simply a 10-minute procedure. In a man’s life, it is a significant cultural event. I dare you to describe a more personal, scary and misunderstood part of a man’s body with which to meddle. And,...Continue reading
The Skinny on Obesity and Male Fertility
You have often heard me say that sperm production is an engine that really wants to run hard and fast. And, that by not taking great care of yourself, sperm quality and fertility can suffer. Given that 1 in 3 Americans have it, one of the biggest elephants in the room is obesity. Now, the literature is oozing with new...Continue reading
Paternity Leave: More than a policy
Imagine this: a father pushing his child in a stroller, fulfilling his duties as a father, seen as attractive and potentially “the new kind of manly.” Author Katrin Bennhold describes this new definition of masculinity in her article, “In Sweden, Men Can Have It All,” as a “most striking example of social engineering.” Ms. Bennhold...Continue reading
An “A” Rating for Testicular Self Examination (TSE)
Despite the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force’s (USPSTF) “D” rating for performing testicular self-examination (TSE), the vast majority of men’s health scholars continue to promote the behavior among male populations. The USPSTF suggests that there is “inadequate evidence that screening….has greater yield of accuracy for detecting testicular cancer at more curable stages”. However, we in...Continue reading