The Reproductive Riff on Paternal Age

Thought you might like to know about this. While preparing for my speech to the American Urological Association next month on the risks of being an older dad, I came across this pretty compelling research relating a father’s age to autism in children. Autism Speaks Name the fastest growing serious developmental disorder in the U.S. Correct, it’s...Continue reading

Putting the Bun in the Oven

I have to admit, I had a great time in my two interactive sessions at the Fertility Planit show in LA this weekend. For the first one, I joined best selling author and blogger MeiMei Fox, therapist and LoveLine regular Simeone Bienne, and celebrity doctor Dr Suzanne Gilberg-Lenz for a most entertaining hour of “Keeping Sex Passionate When You’re Trying to Conceive.” Here are some of the finer take-home...Continue reading

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