The Anatomy of the Ejaculate

Here’s a million dollar question: From whence does the ejaculate come? The word “semen” is actually Latin, derived from “cemani” meaning “juice.” Great, Doc, but where does the juice actually come from? A Complex Sauce Fluids from several different body organs mix and mingle before being expelled as ejaculate. The much-maligned prostate, a reliable cause of urination issues with age,...Continue reading

A Sperm Making Thing-a-ma-bob

You can patent a widget, or even a doohickey. Dr Seuss probably could have patented the yuzz-a-ma-tuzz, the diffendoofer, the wumbus and the wocket from his children’s books. But can you really patent an artificial human testicle? We did. Very recently, in fact. The issue notice has duly arrived, just in time for Father’s Day! Yessiree, just 6 sweaty years after we submitted the...Continue reading

The Reproductive Riff on Paternal Age

Thought you might like to know about this. While preparing for my speech to the American Urological Association next month on the risks of being an older dad, I came across this pretty compelling research relating a father’s age to autism in children. Autism Speaks Name the fastest growing serious developmental disorder in the U.S. Correct, it’s...Continue reading

Masturbation: Part 2 – What Not to Do

Masturbation technique is a highly individualistic topic. Most men figured out how to give themselves an orgasm during puberty. Early on, men tend to fixate on one technique to reach climax and that becomes their technique. It’s what they do. It’s comfortable, it’s reassuring, it’s dependable, and it always works.  A guy’s personal technique, discovered...Continue reading

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