Marijuana And Your Reproductive Health

Marijuana is becoming all the rage among the government types and politicos, as a chance to win votes.  There are countless (non scientific and unfounded) articles portraying the great benefit to society of increased marijuana availability, as well as its purported harmlessness.  I am personally very concerned over the panacea that has taken hold, ignorant...Continue reading

Treatment options for patients with ejaculatory dysfunction

By, Matthew Coward, M.D., Department of Urology, University of North Carolina   Despite much less attention than erectile dysfunction and other male fertility problems, ejaculatory dysfunction can be one of the most frustrating sexual symptoms a patient can experience.. The purpose of ejaculation is to deposit sperm into the vagina for reproduction, and most men...Continue reading

The Role of Sperm DNA Fragmentation in the Evaluation of the Male Fertility Patient

DNA is the genetic information contained in all cells, including sperm.  Intact sperm DNA is necessary for normal egg fertilization (1, 2). Sperm that has DNA with breaks in the strands is abnormal, and is called “DNA fragmentation” This may cause sperm to function poorly and is not measured by the standard semen analysis. There...

Factors For a Good Prognosis In Patients Undergoing Vasectomy Reversal

So what are the factors we can influence in order to get the best results for patients undergoing a vasectomy reversal? There are actually two different surgeries for vasectomy reversal: vasovasostomy (vas to vas) and epididymovasostomy (vas to the epididymis). The surgical approach any patient needs can only be determined at the time of surgery. Selecting...Continue reading

Fatherhood with Klinefelters

What’s the most common definable cause of azoospermia among infertile men? Here’s a hint: it’s also pretty common in general, occurring in 1/500 male births. Answer: Klinefelter syndrome. Men who have it possess an extra X chromosome in every cell in their bodies. It’s inherited, and about equally so from mothers and fathers. The fact is that most men don’t know about...Continue reading

Cycling Toward Childlessness?

She looks at me earnestly, searching for approval and says: “I’ve made sure that he stopped bicycling as I have read that it’s bad for his fertility, right?” Not so fast. Saddle Sore There is hard data to suggest that bicycling long enough can impair erections, especially if the saddle results in pelvic numbness. But fertility? Not the...Continue reading

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