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Is There Really A Men’s Health Crisis?
Dear Healthy Men: Why do you keep writing about men’s health, when everyone knows that the health issues women face are far bigger? All you’re doing is taking money away from women’s health to give it to men. A: There’s no question that much can—and should—be done to improve women’s health. However, there’s also no question... CONTINUE READING→
Why Men Hold the Key for a Happy Marriage
When I was growing up, men and women had different roles. The old rules required men to be the protectors and breadwinners. Women’s role was to be the homemakers and nurturers. Men’s world was outside the home in the workplace and women’s world was inside the home with the family. The old rules assumed marriage... CONTINUE READING→
Our Child is a Brat–and it’s Your Fault
Dear Mr. Dad: I’m a single dad with a 9-year-old daughter who’s with me half the time. Before the divorce, she was a sweet kid and a pleasure to be around. But lately she’s become a terror, throwing tantrums when she doesn’t get what she wants—and I think it’s because her mother is spoiling her.... CONTINUE READING→
Fiber is Not the Only Cholesterol Fighter
When people think of fiber, they think of a dry, tasteless and odorless powder that is supposed to be healthy for us but tastes absolutely horrible. After all, fiber is essential to a healthy diet. It has been known to regulate blood sugar, helps to maintain a healthy weight, and lowers cholesterol. As the title... CONTINUE READING→
How Good Are Genetic Screening Tests?
Think of your genome — all the DNA in your body — as a big book. Twenty-three chapters long, containing hundreds of thousands of letters and tens of thousands of words, all telling your story. If you alter a paragraph, a sentence or even a letter in a word in your book, will it read... CONTINUE READING→
Will Having More Sex Make Me Happier?
Dear Healthy Men: What’s the right amount of sex for a couple to have to ensure a happy relationship? A: Most of us would agree that a heathy sex life is an important component of any romantic relationship. So it seems logical to assume that there would be a positive correlation between the frequency of dancing... CONTINUE READING→
#MeToo, Men, and the Polarization of the Left and Right: The End of Humanity or a New Beginning?
Let me go on record and declare myself. I believe the MeToo Movement is good for women and men. I believe that men are good, but many are confused and angry. I believe that we must end the polarization of the left and right or humanity is in danger of destroying itself. I have five... CONTINUE READING→
Book ‘Em, Dad-O
Dear Mr. Dad: My 10-year-old son is quite smart and perfectly capable of reading, but it’s always been a challenge for him. And unfortunately, his teachers aren’t doing very much to help the situation other than send home notes and report cards saying that he’s reading below his grade level. My wife and I both... CONTINUE READING→
Things You’re Not Telling Your Doctor That Can Affect Your Fertility
Are you a “white lie” guy? Do you tell your mother that her meatloaf is delicious when it really isn’t? Have you ever said, “No, officer…I have no idea how fast I was going…” or “Things would have gone so different if I had been there…”? How about, “Oh yea, I remember you…” As long... CONTINUE READING→
When It Comes to Stereotypes, Words Matter. A Lot.
A few days ago, I heard a young father telling his son—who was probably around 10 or 11—to “man up.” I started thinking about that phrase and wondered about all the gender stereotyping we do without even realizing it. Are expressions like “man up” harmless parts of or language or do they make a difference?... CONTINUE READING→