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Worried About Coronavirus? You Should Be—Especially If You’re a Guy.
With nearly 100,000 cases of cases of coronavirus (also referred to as COVID-19) reported around the world—and more than 3,000 deaths—we all have every reason to be worried. Fortunately, scientists and public health experts in dozens of countries are working hard to keep this infection from spreading further than it already has—a pretty tall order,... CONTINUE READING→
Don’t Fight It, We All Need Good Sleep
Sleep is important for a variety of reasons. When we get enough sleep, we feel rested and give our bodies a chance to fully recharge. Getting quality sleep is good for each person’s physical health, mental health, safety, and overall well-being. There are several health benefits to obtaining a good night of rest. Health Benefits... CONTINUE READING→
6 Things You Don’t Know About Irritable Male Syndrome That Could Be Wrecking Your Relationship
Like most of the things I write about, Irritable Male Syndrome (IMS) comes from both my personal and professional experience. Professionally, I’ve counseled more than 25,000 individuals and couples who took my IMS quiz and recognized that male anger was a problem in their lives. Personally, IMS nearly destroyed my marriage. Here’s an excerpt from a letter... CONTINUE READING→
How Education Levels Affect Men’s Health
Dear Healthy Men: What’s the connection between education and health and how men are affected? A: Great question. In broad terms, the more education someone has, the longer and healthier his or her life will be. The connection between the two is fairly intuitive, but it takes a few steps to get there. Here’s how it... CONTINUE READING→
Why Can’t Boys Be Boys?
Let’s accept boys who don’t behave like typical boys and those who do. A friend was telling me about his 4-year-old grandson who, at a bookstore, wanted my friend to buy him a book in the Pinkalicious series. As the name implies, these are definitely not in the typical genre of boys’ books. My friend immediately bought... CONTINUE READING→
February Spotlights the Most Important Heart of All: Yours
The dreariness of February is lightened somewhat by that special day – the 14th – so beloved for its chocolates, roses and pronouncements of love. But before you bite into that delicious heart-shaped chocolate on Valentine’s Day take a moment to consider this somber fact: Heart disease is the number one killer of men and... CONTINUE READING→
Men and Belly Fat: A Bad Combination
Call it what you will: beer belly, love handles, gut, spare tire, or anything else. Whatever the words, they’re all referring to the same thing: belly fat, which is one of the most common types of fat for men. As you’ve no doubt noticed, as we gain weight, our thighs, legs, and arms usually don’t... CONTINUE READING→
Slow Children Playing. Really Slow…
Dear Mr. Dad: The Olympics are just around the corner and I’ve been wondering whether American athletes are going to compete, given the epidemic of childhood obesity that we keep hearing about. If our kids are so out of shape, how will we ever be able to compete? A: Back when I was in the fourth... CONTINUE READING→
Why Are We Ignoring the Epidemic of White Male Suicides?
Dear Healthy Men: You recently wrote about a CDC report that supposedly showed that males are more likely than females to commit suicide. Well, my 19-year-old niece recently killed herself and I just saw the new CDC report on youth suicides, which said that the suicide rate among females is growing faster than among males.... CONTINUE READING→
New Year’s Resolution: Better Mental Health
The New Year is a time for making resolutions and focusing on self-improvement. While many of these New Year’s resolutions typically have to do with quitting smoking or weight loss, numerous well-intentioned goal-seekers just wind up feeling depressed. Broken resolutions combined with lousy weather and the end of the festive holiday season can leave many... CONTINUE READING→