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How Dogs Provide Vital Help to Veterans
Men’s Health Network (MHN) has a long history of supporting the physical and mental health needs of our veteran populations. In fact, MHN – in collaboration with the Congressional Men’s Health Caucus – hosted a briefing on “Veterans and Active Military: Mental Health and Suicide Issues,” which had the objective of highlighting troubling issues that... CONTINUE READING→
Back to the Future: Reclaiming Our Partnership Culture and Saving Humanity
“For millennia, humans have imagined a peaceful and just world,” say Riane Eisler and Douglas Fry, in their monumental book, Nurturing Our Humanity: How Domination and Partnership Shape Our Brains, Lives, and Future. “Sometimes we only imagined this world in an afterlife. But over the last centuries, many of us have imagined it right here on Earth.... CONTINUE READING→
Common Sex Myths About Trying to Conceive
She just “pulled the goalie” and stopped her contraceptive. It’s now time to have that baby you’ve been talking about. You find yourself both excited and a bit scared about what happens next. And hopefully, it will happen. In fact, the odds are in your favor that it will happen, since this is one of... CONTINUE READING→
The Benefits of Nagging
Dear Healthy Men: I have diabetes and my wife is driving me crazy, constantly bugging me to check my insulin and take my medication, reminding me what I should and shouldn’t eat, bugging me to exercise more, and generally nagging all the time. I think she means well, but what can I do to get... CONTINUE READING→
The Ship of Civilization is Sinking: Do Not Lose Hope. Find Your Tribe
Although many still deny it, more and more people are recognizing that there is something seriously wrong with the world in which we live. We continue to be reminded that the climate crisis is real, that our economic system of consumption is unsustainable, that we are still on the brink of wiping ourselves out in... CONTINUE READING→
Preparing for Your Visit with an Infertility Specialist
You’ve been trying most of your adult life to not get someone pregnant. But now you really want rug rats…and it isn’t happening. The look on her face when her period comes every month is something you dread as much as she does. It’s time to get your fertility checked. Yes, men have infertility doctors, too.... CONTINUE READING→
Vaping: Not an Equal-Opportunity Problem
Dear Healthy Men: There have been a lot of vaping-related injuries and deaths lately, but I haven’t heard anything about the male-female difference. You’ve written about how men are more likely than women to abuse drugs and alcohol. I’m wondering whether the same gender imbalance applies to smoking cigarettes and vaping. A: In a word, Yes.... CONTINUE READING→
The Importance of Men Managing Their Health While Building Wealth
Some men are becoming more aware of caring for their bodies by exercising and eating healthier meals, while others focus on building wealth. To have a balanced lifestyle, a person must plan for both physical and financial fitness. The everyday hustle and bustle of earning a living has its challenges in maintaining finances, spending, and... CONTINUE READING→
How Your Personal Creation Story Can Ruin or Enrich Your Life
Throughout the world, people tell stories about how the Universe began and how humans came into being. Scholars call these tales “creation myths” or “origin stories.” These stories are embedded in each culture and lay the foundation for how we view ourselves and our world. But each of us has our own origin story and... CONTINUE READING→
The Skinny on Marijuana and Fertility
In 1996, California was the first state to legalize medical marijuana, sparking a trend that now includes 30 states. Five years ago, Colorado and Washington became the first of 11 states to legalize recreational cannabis. Currently, pot is the most widely consumed semi-legal recreational drug in the western world with an estimated 250 million users, including 1 in 7 Americans who use... CONTINUE READING→