A Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP) is a surgical procedure to remove excessive growth of the prostate gland, caused by Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). The prostate is a small gland within the male reproductive system. The prostate gland is essential for the functioning of the male reproductive system as it secretes fluid into the...Continue reading
Category: Sex
How Far Would You Go to Prove Your Masculinity?
There seems to be no end to the things guys will do to prove their masculinity–especially around someone whose attention we’d like to attract. If you’ve ever read Mark Twain’s classic book Tom Sawyer, you probably remember how Tom tries to win the heart of Becky Thatcher by doing all sorts of crazy (and dangerous)...Continue reading
Hypertension Linked to Erectile Dysfunction
Hypertension, which is more commonly known as high blood pressure, increases your risk for serious health conditions including heart attack, stroke, chronic heart failure, and kidney disease. It increases the chances of having your first heart attack as about seven out of ten people who have their first heart attack have high blood pressure. It...Continue reading
Grooming “Down There”: Fashion Trend, Or Health Hazard?
Trimming or removing pubic hair has become incredibly common for men as well as women. And while it may make you feel sexy, clean, and attractive, “manscaping” might also cause some unanticipated health hazards for you… But hey, it’s your decision. People elect to modify their pubic hair for a variety of reasons. At the...Continue reading
Edex: Penile Injection Therapy
Edex is a penile injection that is used to treat erectile dysfunction caused by conditions affecting nerves, blood vessels, emotions, and/or a combination of factors. It causes an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse in over 80% of men with erectile dysfunction, regardless of their age or the cause of their problem. Edex is an...Continue reading
What Knot to Do to Keep Your Hair
If you’re one of those guys who follows celebrity fashion trends and hairstyles (and even if you’re not), you’ve noticed that a growing number of men are tying their hair up into a single knot on the top or back of their head. If you’ve been tempted to do the same to your hair, you...Continue reading
Are There Masculine and Feminie Foods?
We all know the expression, “You are what you eat”: eat healthy foods and you’ll be healthy, eat unhealthy foods and you’ll be unhealthy. But when it comes to our perceptions of food, specifically what’s healthy and what isn’t, sex differences play a big role. And there’s another expression (one you probably haven’t heard until...Continue reading
9.5 Reasons You Should Sleep Nude
According to a recent study, only eight percent of adults sleep naked. If you’re not among the 8%, here are 9 ½ reasons why you should donate your PJs and anything else you wear to bed at night to the nearest thrift store. These include: You’ll sleep better. You’ll burn more calories It’s...Continue reading
Men: Tips To Improve Sexual Function
Do you feel like your sexual function could use a boost? Fortunately, there are a number of ways men can enhance their sexual performance. This could be to either improve existing problems or find new ways to keep their partner happy. The good news is this can be done without the use of prescription medications...Continue reading
Could Masculinity Be Killing You?
From the time we’re little, we’re taught that big boys don’t cry and told that when times get tough, we just need to “man up.” The message is so strong that even a baby could figure it out (and plenty do): boys shouldn’t cry. Put a different way, boys–and later, men–need to be tough. “Real”...Continue reading