Alcohol Withdrawal – What It Is and How to Help

When you think of withdrawal, your first thought is probably of those trying to end their dependence on illicit drugs like heroin or cocaine. You may have images of someone who is terribly ill, sweating, shaking and experiencing any number of other symptoms, from headaches and vomiting to hallucinations. What you might not realize is...Continue reading

Is Human Growth Hormone Right For You?

Human growth hormone treatment is a decision that includes several variables such as cost, risk factors, pre-existing medical conditions, and the nature of the diagnosis that requires treatment. Among medical treatments, HGH is often abused—as athletes and people seeking a way to rejuvenate youthful prowess may take the drug without a proper diagnosis or medical...Continue reading

Want a Sweet Way to Reduce Stroke and Cardiovascular Risk? Try Chocolate

There’s a growing body of research that cocoa (either in chocolate or straight) may reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular problems. In two papers written by researchers at Harvard’s School of Public Health, consuming flavonoid-rich cocoa (FRC) was associated with decreased blood pressure, improved blood vessel health, blood flow, and improved...Continue reading

Redefining Masculinity: NFL Star Takes the Lead

When I hear the term “macho,” sports immediately come to mind, specifically football and the collection of modern day gladiators that play in college and the National Football League (NFL).  These athletes have spent most of their lives honing their skills while simultaneously fortifying their bodies in preparation for physical distress, wear and tear.  One...Continue reading

Young Men’s Attitudes about Health and Wellness

A fascinating new report just came out analyzing young men’s attitudes about health and well-being. The study was done by Euromonitor International and looked at men 15-29 in eight countries (US, Brazil, the UK, France, Germany, India, China, and Japan) and found that most guys in that age groups place a high value on regular...Continue reading

Obesity Kills. And It Can Mess with Your Sex Life Too

Just about everyone knows that being obese raises your risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, lung disease, high blood pressure and cholesterol, and a host of other serious health problems. Unfortunately, the risk of death isn’t always enough to get guys to change their habits. But when our sex lives are endangered, well, that’s something...Continue reading

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