Are you ready to commit to getting fit? If you can make a promise to start taking good care of your body, you can be successful at reaching your physical and health goals. For most men, losing weight is only half the struggle, keeping it off is the hard part. But by putting your nose...Continue reading
Category: Cardio
How Color Can Affect The Food We Eat
At a recent visit to a chain restaurant, I noticed that the description of each menu item included information about calories and fat. I immediately lost my appetite, but eventually relented and ordered a salad. On the way out, I asked the manager whether the new nutritional information had changed what customers were ordering. “Not...Continue reading
Should You Get Thee to a Low-T Clinic?
They’re everywhere these days. Just search “low T clinic near me” on Google and you will see a gaggle of places get your fill of testosterone. There’s someone on every corner willing to sell you good ol’ vitamin T. But will it help? Fountain of Youth It depends. If you are a younger man, say aged 25-35...Continue reading
Raise Your Glass to the Health Benefits of Beer
Scientists have found that moderate beer drinking is associated with a number of very positive health outcomes. But the key word here is moderate, which we’re defining as one or two beers per day for men and one for women. Much more than that and you’ll increase your risk of developing the same conditions that...Continue reading
Hospitals May Not Be As Safe As You’d Think
Most of us know that heart disease and cancer are among the biggest killers in the United States. They’re actually numbers one and two, having caused 614,000 and 591,000 deaths, respectively, in 2015, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). But the third leading killer, which takes the lives of about 250,000...
To Reduce Blood Pressure, Reduce Stress First
We often want to blame a rise in blood pressure on diet, weight, lack of exercise or family history. All of those risk factors can and do play their part of possibly leading to hypertension. But there is another risk factor each of us experience just about every day that can be shouldering some of...Continue reading
Arguing for Your Health: How You and Your Spouse Fight Has Serious Consequences
Two particularly masculine ways of expressing anger during fights with a significant other—letting it all out or shutting down emotionally—may take a toll on your health, but in very different ways. A team of researchers at the University of California, Berkeley and Northwestern University found that men who explode with rage are more likely than...Continue reading
5 Tips for Healthy Living from FDA’s Office of Minority Health
This Men’s Health Month, take time to consider your current health habits and where you can make improvements. The FDA’s Office of Minority Health is committed to eliminating health disparities and achieving the highest standard of health for all. Below are five tips to help you and your loved ones live a healthier life.Continue reading
Does the Good Wood Have Ears?
“You know, Doc, there are times when I lose my erection…just like that. It happens when I’m really stressed out. It’s like the penis has ears or something!” Say it aint so! Can the penis really “hear” stress and go flat because of it? The Good Wood This reminds me of another scenario in which the...Continue reading
5 Natural Ways to Treat Insomnia
Restless nights, erratic interruptions in peaceful sleep and waking up groggy and tired may be signs you’re experiencing symptoms of insomnia. High-quality sleep is important for healthy brain functioning, stable mood, healing and repair of heart and blood vessels, balanced hunger, optimized energetic performance and so much more, according to researchers from the National Heart,...Continue reading