Call it what you will: beer belly, love handles, gut, spare tire, or anything else. Whatever the words, they’re all referring to the same thing: belly fat, which is one of the most common types of fat for men. As you’ve no doubt noticed, as we gain weight, our thighs, legs, and arms usually don’t...Continue reading
Category: Cardio
Cardiac Health Should Concern Everyone, Especially Young Men
As a young man, I often learned life lessons from my father. Perhaps none have been as lasting as the lesson he inadvertently taught me about health as his own health took a downward turn. While I was in middle school—a time when most boys are navigating puberty—my dad was busy prepping for heart valve...Continue reading
Experiencing the Much-Needed Benefits of Sleep
We spend a third of our lives sleeping, but millions of us may not be getting enough high-quality sleep to derive the much-needed benefits it provides. We know people who don’t get regular deep sleep are at a greater risk of heart attacks and stroke. They report more absences from work, work-related injuries, and even...Continue reading
The Little Prosthesis That Could
What’s one of the best ways to improve a man’s sexual health? Get him to stop worrying about his “junk.” And one of the best ways to wring out the worry is to ensure that things look normal down there. It can be that simple. Worry Warts About a decade ago, we published a paper reporting that 80-90% of...Continue reading
The Connection Between a Healthy Marriage and a Healthy Heart
A recent study suggests that men in marriages that improved over time may have a lower risk for heart disease. For many, marriage signals the beginning of an entwined and, at times, tangled relationship. Spouses often play the role of friend, co-parent, caregiver, financial partner and emotional support system for their significant other. Given the...Continue reading
Men’s HealthTech: Adding the Warmth of Wisdom
What’s a great way to get health information about men? Why wearables, of course. In 2016, there were 325 million wearable devices in the world. That’s “big data” territory by any measure. But have wearables actually improved the health of men? In a word, no. Or not yet anyway. Stay Home Medicine But there’s a 2.0 movement in men’s healthtech: entirely digital...Continue reading
Effects of Divorce on Men
Tough, resilient, and confident – this is the way men are portrayed in the media. Men are not pictured as being weak or needing help, especially when it comes to the family unit. But, according to a study published in the Journal of Men’s Health, men are more susceptible to health issues following a divorce...Continue reading
Peripheral Artery Disease: Rerouting Blood Vessels to Save a Patient’s Legs
Treatment of PAD has undergone a revolution since the first time Steve Valvanis had the condition. Steve Valavanis thought he put his circulation problems behind him 20 years ago, when he had major surgeries on both of his legs to replace his blocked arteries. But, in 2015, when the 64-year-old Mystic resident was playing golf...
Five Amazing Benefits of Meditation and Mindfulness
While ultimately rooted in the religious practices of East Asia, meditation and mindfulness are essentially the cultivation of a positive and tranquil mental state via focused periods of practice. Just as your body needs nutrition and exercise to function properly, so too does your emotional center and state of mind require special tools for their...Continue reading
8 Ways to Stay Healthy While Travelling
Holidays are one of those times of the year when your health or fitness plans can take a real dent. It’s natural that you’ll want to relax, take part in activities that you enjoy the most—which might include sitting and eating a lot—and generally not doing a great deal. So while you might not make...Continue reading