June is Men’s Health Month (oh, and Father’s Day is in there too) and Sam’s Clubs are offering free men’s health screenings at all their pharmacies. The screenings will happen on Saturday, June 9 from 11 a.m. to 3.p.m. Members and the public will receive a Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) test (yes, the same life-saving test...Continue reading
Category: Cardio
Want to reduce your heart attack and stroke risk? Donate blood!
For most of us, donating blood is a pretty selfless act that could save the life of a someone you’ve never met. But now, it turns out, that the life you save might be your own. At least that’s according to a new study published by the American Medical Association (AMA). The study shows that men...Continue reading
Warning: if you’re over 40, exercise with a low-fat diet: It might do more harm than good
If you’re a guy older than about 40, you were probably dismayed by the rather depressing research from England predicting that by 2040, about two thirds of men aged 40 and up will be obese—a condition that greatly increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and other conditions that can lead to an early...Continue reading
Men and Body Image: Guys Lose 2x the Weight in All-Male Groups Than in Co-ed Ones
It’s long been acknowledged that overweight women prefer to exercise and attend weight-management classes with other women. Surprisingly, it turns out that men may have the same body-image issues. Research presented at the recent European Congress on Obesity in Lyon, France, found that men enrolled in a 12-week, all-male weight loss class drooped an average...Continue reading
Coffee with Sam: An interview with fitness guru Franklin Antoian
I recently had the opportunity to have a virtual cup of coffee and chat with Franklin Antoian, trainer, funny man, and all around health and fitness guru. Franklin has an interesting take on working out- he says you can take it online. But can an online fitness program really benefit you and your busy life? ...Continue reading
Metabolic Syndrome
“Metabolic Syndrome” is a relatively new term that is used to describe people who are at elevated risk for heart disease. As in many things, the definition varies depending on who is doing the defining, but the outcome is agreed upon by all concerned. Metabolic Syndrome is present in 50% of all people with coronary...Continue reading