Supportive mate a good match for your heart – New York News.
Category: Cardio
Narcissism Especially Bad for Men’s Health
Narcissism Especially Bad for Men’s Health – MedicineNet.
4 Healthy Ways Chocolate Can Affect Your Sweetheart
According to the National Confectioners Association, more than 36 million boxes of chocolate will be purchased for Valentine’s gifts this year. When you get yet another heart-shaped box from your sweetie on V-Day, don’t lament his lack of imagination. Chocolate is an excellent Valentine’s gift, and not just because it’s tradition. It actually has a...Continue reading
Science Proves Owning a Dog is Good for Your Health
It’s no secret that finding a friend in man’s best friend is one of the greatest joys in life. On top of their undying affection and constant company, there is in fact a hidden benefit that comes with owning a dog. While you may think that there are already types of dogs that provide real...Continue reading
MMA Workouts to Shed Excess Pounds
When the average person looks at a professional MMA fighter on fight night, they likely see a ripped physical specimen hovering somewhere around an ultra-lean 7% body fat. This image of body perfection may seem like an unattainable ideal to the millions of desk jockeys out there whose most strenuous daily physical activity likely consists...Continue reading
Can’t Sleep? Try Natural Solutions Before Turning to Medication
A report published by The Lancet medical journal found that sleep issues are a major problem for many Americans, with nearly one-quarter of adults unhappy with their quality of sleep. Prescription medications to induce a good night’s sleep are a common solution; however, they’ve become a new focus for the Food and Drug Administration due...Continue reading
Taking a Statin for Cholesterol? Relaaax….
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently issued a warning about a possible connection between statin drugs and reversible cognitive impairment, such as dementia (including Alzheimer’s), memory, attention, and mental processing speed. If you heard about those FDA warnings—and a lot of people did—you may have been tempted to stop taking the drugs. Don’t.Continue reading
Weight Loss? There May Be a Pill for That
Anyone who’s ever tried to lose weight has wished they could pop a pill and be done with the whole thing. And we have no doubt that whoever invents that pill will make billions. Over the years, there have been a few drugs that helped with weight management, but in most cases, the side-effects were...Continue reading
How The Economy Impacts Our Health
Stress can damage your immune system, making your more susceptible to getting sick. It increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. And it can make people abuse drugs and alcohol, which in turn does all sorts of damage to the body—not to mention the damage that’s done to others when stressed out people cause...Continue reading
Wise up, Man
When was the last time you saw a doctor? Well, if you’re a guy 50 or over, it’s probably been a while. And do you know the signs of cancer? There’s a pretty good chance you don’t. According to a recent survey of 12,000 men, nearly half wouldn’t recognize the red flags. There’s little doubt...Continue reading