healthy lifestyle

Simple Steps to Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy living doesn’t happen overnight. In fact, it requires months of consistency and conviction. A healthy lifestyle, though challenging when first starting out, has innumerable benefits and truly enriches your mind, body and soul. It isn’t enough to take on a short-term diet or sign up for this month’s workout fad. Instead, wellness should be...Continue reading

You Woman, Me Man

It happened again today. A delighted couple called to say that they just conceived their miracle baby. “What, an immaculate conception?” you ask. No, but close. After 3 failed rounds of in vitro fertilization (IVF), they threw in the towel, went home and…bang, got pregnant the next month in the privacy of their own sofa...Continue reading

Chronic Conditions and Medications That Can Lead to Sexual Dysfunction

Sexual dysfunction often refers to different symptoms in men and women, yet can share similar underlying causes.  In women, it is often characterized by low sexual desire or various disorders including sexual arousal, orgasm, and sexual pain.  In men, erectile dysfunction (ED) is just that: difficulty getting or keeping erections sufficient for intercourse.  ED is...Continue reading

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