Dear Mr. Dad: My beautiful son was born just a few weeks ago and I’m overjoyed. But my wife is a different story. She’s very down in the dumps, barely eats, and has no energy. I know that giving birth took a toll on her, but I’m worried. What should I do? A: About 70% of...Continue reading
Category: Mental Health
Talking Can Be the Most Dangerous Thing People Do
You might think talking was easy. We’ve all been doing it since we were children. But most of us talk in ways that do not inspire safety and trust. When couples aren’t able to communicate effectively their relationships begin to deteriorate. That’s when marriages often fail. I’ve been a marriage and family therapist for more...Continue reading
You Don’t Hit Girls
Women’s physical vulnerability is real, but men need not hold back in debate One of the clearest messages I heard from my father when I was a boy was this: You don’t hit girls. I wasn’t supposed to start fights with boys either, but if one of them were to hit me, my dad made...Continue reading
Why We Need to Talk About Men’s Mental Health
As Men’s Health Month comes to a close, I want to talk about something that we don’t talk about enough: men and depression. While it’s not exactly a women’s health topic, our typical focus at the Office on Women’s Health, we know that most women have important men in their lives. Fathers, partners, sons, brothers,...Continue reading
The Hidden Cause of Depression: Five Things Your Doctor Never Told You About
Like millions of others in the U.S. and throughout the world, I’ve been depressed a lot in my life and I’ve taken medications to help relieve the hopelessness, irritability, and lack of energy that plagued me. In 2004, I wrote a book, The Irritable Male Syndrome: Understanding the 4 Key Causes of Depression and Aggression that gathered...Continue reading
Eight Things Women Can Do to Get Men More Involved, part 2
Last week we talked about five things women can do to get their partners to take on more responsibility in the home, and, in particular, with the children. Here are three more. If you have any suggestions to add to the list, please drop us an email. No gatekeeping. Many women take charge of the household...Continue reading
The Myths and Truths About Penis Size
I take care of men for a living and easily the most common question I’m asked is this: “While you’re down there Doc, can you tell me if I’m…you know…normal?” From a hot potato standpoint, I Iiken this question to when my wife asks me how she looks in a dress. Penile Mythology The popular culture...Continue reading
Why Is My Wife Always Mad at Me?
I’m an angry male. O.K., I’ve said it. There is a lot to be angry about. Gun violence continues. Too many of our children live in poverty. Our environment is deteriorating. We are heating the planet beyond its capacity to support human life. Our country is divided. The political system is broken. Families are falling...Continue reading
What Your Therapist Never Taught You About the Absent Father Wound
I’m a therapist specializing in helping men and the families who love them. I’ve been seeing people for more than 40 years, but it has only been in recent years that I’ve come to recognize the importance of the absent father wound on the lives of men and women. When I was five years old, my mid-life...Continue reading
The Seven Things That Make A Man Feel Loved
There is a saying that we teach what we want to learn. I suspect it may be equally true that we write about issues most important in our lives. I grew up as an only child in a single parent-family. My father was gone by the time I was five years old. My mother had...Continue reading