You found the love of your life early on and feel lucky compared to others who remain single around you. And, then suddenly, you notice subtle and then drastic changes in your relationship. There are many reasons a relationship can fall apart. Lifestyle changes like a loss of a job, or a lack of communication...Continue reading
Category: Depression
In Search of My Lost Body: Real Men Eat Meat and Other Masculinity Myths
It’s January and once again I begin thinking about losing weight. I keep track of my weight and keep losing and gaining the same 20 pounds. I eat pretty well, but I eat too much. Like most people, there are a million reasons why I weigh more than I want to weigh. I’ve always been...Continue reading
Effects of Divorce on Men
Tough, resilient, and confident – this is the way men are portrayed in the media. Men are not pictured as being weak or needing help, especially when it comes to the family unit. But, according to a study published in the Journal of Men’s Health, men are more susceptible to health issues following a divorce...Continue reading
What You Don’t Know About Doctor Suicides Could Put Your Life at Risk
Most of us wish our health care system served us better. We pay too much for too little care. Often, we take our frustration out on our doctors. But our doctors may be in worse shape than we are. I know. I was in medical school and saw what we do to our doctors. They...Continue reading
#Me(n) Too: Why Sexual Abuse is a Men’s Issue Not Just a Women’s Issue
More and more men are being recognized as sexual abusers and more and more women are coming out telling the truth about having been abused. We have gotten used to seeing rich and famous men including Bill Clinton, Bill Cosby, and Donald Trump being held to account for their abusive behavior. More recently we have...Continue reading
Treating Depression: An Expert Discusses Risks, Benefits of Ketamine
Controversial option seems to work when other methods fail Up to a third of patients with depression don’t respond to traditional forms of treatment. For those patients, the dark fog that hovers over their lives feels like it will never lift. But a new treatment called ketamine has recently made waves all over the internet....Continue reading
Miscarriage Grief: Not for Women Only
Dear Mr. Dad: Just after our first trimester, my wife and I lost our baby. I’ve been focusing on being there for her and supporting her every way I can. But this miscarriage has hit me pretty hard too and I’m having a tough time coping. Part of the problem is that I feel guilty...Continue reading
Five Amazing Benefits of Meditation and Mindfulness
While ultimately rooted in the religious practices of East Asia, meditation and mindfulness are essentially the cultivation of a positive and tranquil mental state via focused periods of practice. Just as your body needs nutrition and exercise to function properly, so too does your emotional center and state of mind require special tools for their...Continue reading
Personal Connections Are Essential for Mental Health Recovery
Facing a condition such as bipolar disorder can be frightening. However, for one Yale Medicine patient, healing has happened through a range of personal connections. In his cooking classes, Bob Forlano likes to make dal, the Indian dish with red lentils, celery, onion, garlic, thyme and cumin. “And since I’m a steak-and-potatoes guy,” he says, “I...Continue reading
Seven Reasons Men Should Do Yoga
When I was growing up there were certain things that boys did and other things reserved for girls. Boy sports included boxing, basketball, and football. Girl sports…Well, girls weren’t encouraged to engage in sports at all. They were the pretty cheer leaders who did back flips when we scored a touchdown. They were the ones...Continue reading