I am about to embark on a new stage of my life. It will no doubt change me; my lifestyle, my thought processes, and even the way I view the world. Hopefully for the better. It will certainly be difficult at times, and even though I knew what I was getting into, I won’t be...Continue reading
Category: Well-being
Happy Today and Tomorrow
As I write this on a beautiful and surprisingly dry summer day in Washington D.C., I am 26 years and 364 days old. In less than 24 hours, I will officially be 27. Will I feel any different when I wake up tomorrow morning? Probably not.
Being comfortable (and safe) in your own skin
Although summer break for many Americans is inconceivably more than half over, there are still many vacations, barbeques and outdoor games to be had. While you’re enjoying the sunshine, make sure you’re being nice to your skin. This is of particular concern to men, who on average spend more time outdoors for both work and...Continue reading
Surviving Male Menopause
I began working on my male menopause series when I turned 50. The changes hit me like a ton of bricks. Everything seemed to be falling apart at once. My erections were going south, my hormones were dropping off, my energy was going down, my sleeplessness was increasing, my prostate was enlarging. My children were...Continue reading
Editor’s Opinion: Men’s Health Week and PSAs galore!
Men’s Health Week has officially started and if you weren’t aware from all the twitter and facebook messages, please let us at TAMH be the first to welcome you to the “please send men to the doctors” movement as I call it. There’s so much going on and news being shared this week that I...Continue reading
New MHN Chapter in California!
With dozens of activities happening around the country to mark Men’s Health Month, this seems like the perfect time to announce the launch of the new California Men’s Health Network. This chapter of the national MHN will allow us to promote men’s health through both statewide and local initiatives in the Golden State. These include:Continue reading
More than Luck
“A brush with mortality turns out to be the best way to appreciate how blue the sky is, how sensuous grass feels underfoot, how melodious kids’ voices are,” wrote Nicholas D. Kristof in a recent New York Times op-ed piece. Mr. Kristof was fortunate, even lucky to have been found with a malignant tumor on...Continue reading
Investing in Health
Do women make better doctors? A recent editorial by Pauline Chen, M.D. in the New York Times posed this thought-provoking question, which led me to recall my previous experiences with physicians of both genders. It is an interesting concept when you think about it. So many of the same qualities that mothers generally have –...Continue reading
Life is Cliché…Not That There’s Anything Wrong With That!
I was recently given the incredible honor to represent my peers as the speaker for the Masters and MPH programs at the 2010 graduate school commencement ceremonies. Our esteemed editor, Mr. Sonny Patel, felt that my speech, while not specifically male-centered, would serve quite well for this month’s blog entry.
Welcome Home GI Dad!
For the last 15 years, I have devoted myself to providing men the tools, support, and knowledge to help them become the fathers they want to be——and their families need them to be. As a former Marine, I understand completely the barriers and issues that come up for men when deployment is over and it’s...Continue reading