Dear Mr. Dad: My husband and I are getting divorced. Unfortunately, we’re so angry at each other that we can no longer even be in the same room together. Fortunately, despite our anger, we still understand how important each of us is to our children—and how important our children are to each of us. Do...Continue reading
Category: Parenting
First Be a Parent, Then Be Friends
Dear Mr. Dad: I’m a single mom and have an issue with my 14-year old son. For the past seven years, since my husband died, it’s been just the two of us. He’s quite independent and very smart and I try to get him involved in household decisions. For better or worse, I’ve always been...Continue reading
Are Our Children Winning the Race to Obesity?
Dear Mr. Dad: Everyone knows about the crisis of overweight and obese kids. With the Winter Olympics just a few weeks away, I got to wondering whether so many kids being fat and out of shape will affect the United States’ ability to compete (not necessarily in these Olympics, but in the future). What do...Continue reading
Pros and Cons of Working at Home
Dear Mr. Dad: I’m a new father and my company recently offered me the option working from home a few days a week. That sounds pretty great to me, but I’m curious about the positives and negatives. A: As someone who’s worked from home for more than 20 years, I can definitely see the attraction:...Continue reading
There’s a Limit to Setting Limits
Dear Mr. Dad: Anytime the topic of discipline comes up, everyone talks about how important it is to set limits. I agree, but it’s a lot easier to talk about it than to actually do it, especially when the kids (mine are 4 and 8) push back and challenge everything. How do you suggest we...Continue reading
Restaurants and Kids: Think Twice Before Mixing
Dear Mr. Dad: I’m a server at an upscale eatery and am constantly amazed at parents who bring their loud, unruly children into the restaurant and let them run wild. We’ve had kids trip servers, knock over bottles of expensive wine, disturb other customers, start food fights, and worse. As a parent myself, I would...Continue reading
#Me(n) Too: Why Sexual Abuse is a Men’s Issue Not Just a Women’s Issue
More and more men are being recognized as sexual abusers and more and more women are coming out telling the truth about having been abused. We have gotten used to seeing rich and famous men including Bill Clinton, Bill Cosby, and Donald Trump being held to account for their abusive behavior. More recently we have...Continue reading
Is an At-Home DNA Test an Ideal Gift, Really?
At-home genetic testing kits can be fun—as long as you know the risks Perhaps 2017 might be remembered as the first holiday season when at-home genetic testing kits received the same billing as the latest version of Amazon’s electronic assistant Alexa. These kits, which allow consumers to submit a saliva sample via mail and...Continue reading
Has a Father’s Absence Impacted Your Life? Take the Quiz to Find Out
When I was five years old, my father had, what was called at the time, “a nervous breakdown,” and was hospitalized. He never came home again and he and my Mom got a divorce. I was raised by a single Mom and it never occurred to me that my father’s absence might have been harmful...Continue reading
Five Ways to Create a Healthier, More-Humane Menu for Your Family
Creating healthy eating habits for my family has on my mind since my kids were born. But as we become more aware as consumers, we also begin to think about how our purchasing habits impact the rest of the food system. I love the ASPCA’s increased efforts to create more humane practices for farm animals...Continue reading