I’m a big fan of science and technology, but I’m not sure I’m completely on board with this recent development. Scientists in Oregon have just created human embryos using genetic material from three parents. Yep, three. The new technique was apparently developed as a way of helping babies avoid inheriting certain rare genetic conditions from...Continue reading
Category: Fatherhood
On the Fence about Whether Your Kids Should Have Flu Shots? Just Do It—Now
Between August 1, 2004 and May 5, 2012, 829 children in the US died from the flu, according to a new study by researchers at the CDC. And a third of those kids died within three days after symptoms first appeared. Unfortunately, by then it’s often too late. The solution? Make sure your kids get...
Want Grandchildren? Make Sure Your Sons Aren’t Overwieght
Researchers at the University of Buffalo found that obese boys between 14-20 have 50 percent less testosterone that boys the same age whose weight is normal.
Men and Suicide: Much More Than a Mental-Health Issue
Anyone who’s ever looked at suicide statistics knows that men are 3-4 times more likely to kill themselves than women are (women, however, attempt suicide more). But what a lot of people don’t realize is that men in lower socio-economic groups—especially men in their 30s, 40s, and 50s—are significantly more likely to commit suicide than...Continue reading
Birth control for men? We’re getting closer…
Until now, men who are concerned with unwanted pregnancy (and that, contrary to stereotype, would be just about all men) have had two basic options: vasectomy and condoms. But that may be changing soon. Researchers are now investigating a gel that, when applied to a man’s skin, drastically lowers his sperm count. That also lowers...Continue reading
Parental Divorce Linked to Stroke in Males
Men with divorced parents are significantly more likely to suffer a stroke than men from intact families, shows a new study from the University of Toronto. The study, to be published this month in the International Journal of Stroke, shows that adult men who had experienced parental divorce before they turned 18 are three times...Continue reading
Men Have Biological Clocks, Too–and They Tick Just as Loudly
Children conceived by women over 35 are known to have and increased risk of being born with Down syndrome and a variety of other birth defects. But a brand new study just revealed that the father’s age is important too. Children of older fathers are at increased risk of developing autism and schizophrenia.
Divorced Fathers: Shared Residential Sustody – An Increasingly Popular Choice
For those divorced fathers who are currently in the process of creating or re-negotiating your parenting plans (“visitation” schedule) for your children, consider the benefits of shared residential custody. By this, I mean having your children live with you 35%-50% of the time. Many states have revised or are in the process of revising their...Continue reading
Kids Versus The New Relationship
One of the greatest challenges for fathers who have switched from “husband” to “single dad” is figuring out the tricky mix of new love interest — or sometimes just new intimate partner — and your children. I’ve experienced the gamut myself as a single dad for almost five years, and I have my own rules...Continue reading
Wait a Sec. You Mean Trying to Have a Baby Can Cause Impotence?
With so much in the news about all the high-tech ways to conceive, we’ve almost forgotten about the old fashioned way to get pregnant: having sex. But for many couples—especially men—this can be the most stressful fertility treatment of all. Fertility specialists routinely suggest that couples have sex during the most opportune window of the...Continue reading