If you’re one of those guys who follows celebrity fashion trends and hairstyles (and even if you’re not), you’ve noticed that a growing number of men are tying their hair up into a single knot on the top or back of their head. If you’ve been tempted to do the same to your hair, you...Continue reading
Category: Boys
Why Heavy Metal Music Could Be Good for Us
As a rule, parents don’t like the music their children listen to–and they never have. That said, we all know that music can–and does–affect the way we feel, bringing up emotions such as joy, sadness, love, and anger. The big question, however, has always been whether those emotions trigger certain kinds of behavior. A fascinating...Continue reading
Are men an endangered species?
How come men don’t live as long as women? Is it because they do things like big wave surfing, base jumping in squirrel suits or highlining between buildings? Maybe we have a testosterone-fueled, Evil Knievel gene within us, right next to the air guitar and channel surfing genes, and are simply destined to break 433 bones, just...Continue reading
Pumping Iron: Quite Possibly the Best Workout Ever
Sure-fire, get-in-the-best-shape-of-your-life-or-your-money-back fitness methods have been around for thousands of years. But there’s one method that won’t ever show up on a list of fads, but, despite the absence of hype, it may very well be the most beneficial of the bunch: good, old-fashioned weight lifting. Let’s take a look at some of the proven...Continue reading
The Flipside of Living Forever
Name some issues brand new to this world in the last 100 years. How about nuclear war, environmental pollution and climate change? Medically, we can blame carpal tunnel syndrome on the typewriter or computer keyboard, and “automobile knee” on that awful car commute. Hard to know whether these marks on modern society are preferable to...Continue reading
Facts about Penile Cancer
Penile cancer in the United States is quite rare. It occurs in less than 1 in 100,000 men and accounts for less than 1 percent of cancers in men in the United States. It is more common in areas of Asia, African, and South America. The most common type of penile cancer is squamous cell...
Engaging Men in Health: A Holiday Season Challenge
By Broderick Johnson, White House, and Armin Brott, Men’s Health Network As men, we don’t always prioritize our health the way we should. So many other responsibilities seem to come first, such as work, family, or making sure our friends and co-workers can count on us. Those things are immensely important, no question. But too often, we...Continue reading
The Boy with the Varicocele
The case of the month is an actual patient of The Turek Clinic His head was topped with bobbing red hair and his face full of freckles. Thin as a beanpole, he spoke softly as if trying to control his cracking pubertal voice. All in, he appeared to be the stuff that teenage boys are...Continue reading
A Second Opinion Offers Prostate Cancer Patients Peace of Mind
Why wouldn’t you seek a second opinion regarding a cancer diagnosis? It’s the smart thing to do, and it’s the accepted thing to do. Let’s say you’re a 46-year-old male. You’ve just been diagnosed with prostate cancer. You never thought in a million years that this would happen to you. In the midst of your...Continue reading
A Tale of Three Testicles
Its funny what people think about every day. Some decide exactly where to paint the lines in our streets. Others, called Gumbusters, remove gum stuck to park benches. Jelly Doughnut Fillers do precisely that, and Golf Ball Divers find stray golf balls that land underwater. And what would casinos do without certified Dice Inspectors? Better...Continue reading