fatherlessness and schools

Can Schools Help Fill the Void Fatherless Boys and Girls Experience? ABSOLUTELY!

Male primary school teachers have become an endangered species. While pre-school and kindergarten gender disparities are worst, where women comprise 97.7 percent of teachers, elementary and middle schools aren’t significantly different. Between 1987 and 2012, the percentage of male teachers declined in every measured period, falling to 23.7% of all teachers. The future gender uniformity was exhibited in a...Continue reading

neglected males in college

The Young American Male: A Shameful Chronology of Neglect

A Colleague Learns a Decades-Long Truth: Academics Barely Care about Young Men I was saddened but not surprised to read of my esteemed colleague Glenn Geher’s recent experience at our college (where I am an emeritus). At a meeting of administrators to discuss a panel of “highly successful female alumni,” where faculty were urged to encourage their...Continue reading

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