The average American now checks their smartphone 47 times a day, according to Deloitte’s latest Global Mobile Consumer Survey. Among Americans aged 18 to 24, this rises to 86 times a day. These numbers have remained relatively consistent for several years, indicating how smartphones have become a regular part of everyday life for most Americans....
Category: Education
Can Schools Help Fill the Void Fatherless Boys and Girls Experience? ABSOLUTELY!
Male primary school teachers have become an endangered species. While pre-school and kindergarten gender disparities are worst, where women comprise 97.7 percent of teachers, elementary and middle schools aren’t significantly different. Between 1987 and 2012, the percentage of male teachers declined in every measured period, falling to 23.7% of all teachers. The future gender uniformity was exhibited in a...Continue reading
Be a Health Angel and Give Back
Here are some ways you can help make the world better—and healthier—this holiday season and beyond. ‘Tis the season to be generous. And what better cause to give to than good health? There are many healthful ways to make a difference—from reading to children at the hospital to sharing medical information with scientists to donating...Continue reading
Is an At-Home DNA Test an Ideal Gift, Really?
At-home genetic testing kits can be fun—as long as you know the risks Perhaps 2017 might be remembered as the first holiday season when at-home genetic testing kits received the same billing as the latest version of Amazon’s electronic assistant Alexa. These kits, which allow consumers to submit a saliva sample via mail and...Continue reading
Kindergarten: Life Starts Now
Dear Mr. Dad: My daughter is starting kindergarten next month. We’ve been talking about how much fun she’s going to have and she’s seems really excited about the whole thing. But here’s where it gets strange: I’m pretty nervous. What can we (the adults) do to get over our nervousness? And is there anything else...Continue reading
The Young American Male: A Shameful Chronology of Neglect
A Colleague Learns a Decades-Long Truth: Academics Barely Care about Young Men I was saddened but not surprised to read of my esteemed colleague Glenn Geher’s recent experience at our college (where I am an emeritus). At a meeting of administrators to discuss a panel of “highly successful female alumni,” where faculty were urged to encourage their...Continue reading
Does Your Child Struggle with the Transition Back to School?
It’s hard to believe, but over the next few weeks, most kids will be back in school (my niece and nephews started last week and my newly minted high-schooler starts next week!). Summer flew by and I’m frantically transitioning my daughter out of her summer sleep schedules and gathering her school supplies. The beginning of...Continue reading
College is Great–But Not for Everyone
Dear Mr. Dad: While I appreciate your recent column about the benefits of education, I encourage you to add the option for a career technical education (CTE) degree and/or certificate to possible educational endeavors. Not all students are destined for a four-year degree. Without the burden of substantial debt., large numbers of students can have...Continue reading
Lack of Education Could Kill You
Dear Mr. Dad: My son just finished his sophomore year of high school and has decided that he doesn’t want to graduate. My wife and I never finished high school and we’re doing okay—she’s a waitress and I’m an auto mechanic. Some of my friends (the ones who have college degrees) are telling me that...Continue reading
Wanted: Male Nurses
Despite efforts to promote greater gender equality among professions, there remains a significant need for more men in the nursing profession. The nursing field is only around 6% male, though this number is slowly rising. It doesn’t seem to be the education itself that serves as a deterrent; many men entering the nursing field have...Continue reading