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men's fertility drugs

How Are Men’s Fertility Drugs Regulated and Dispensed Correctly?

The Federal Drug Administration is notoriously slow in approving new drugs of all types for a variety of reasons. The primary reason is the agency wants to ensure the product actually does what the manufacturers claim it can do, as the agency is generally concerned about approving effective medications. Public safety is also a serious... CONTINUE READING

Healthy Living Habits that Work

(Family Features) When it comes to advice about healthy living, there are opinions nearly every place you turn. Unfortunately, a great deal of that information is based on fad diets and trendy workouts that may deliver quick results but don’t promote a sustainable, healthy lifestyle. The medical community generally agrees that slow and steady is... CONTINUE READING

what is astigmatism and what to do if you have it

What Is Astigmatism and How Do You Know If You Have it?

Astigmatism occurs when the cornea or lens of the eye assume an irregular shape. This shape causes the eye an inability to focus light rays on the retina, instead directing it to different points. Research has yet to show the exact cause of the irregular corneal shape, though genetics and development are thought to have... CONTINUE READING

Bedroom Signs That Your Man Might Have Health Troubles

Concerned about his lack of interest or other changes in his performance? It may be time to encourage him to see a doctor. The intimate moments you share with the man in your life are important to your bond—and potentially his health. That’s because, depending on how observant he is about his body, you may... CONTINUE READING