If you suffer from depression, diabetes, or erectile dysfunction, it’s possible that what you really need is a better night’s sleep.
Recent studies have found that sleep apnea, a common but potentially dangerous condition, may be linked with a number of conditions, including anxiety, depression, diabetes, and even erectile dysfunction. The studies also find that treating sleep apnea “continuous positive airway pressure” (using a machine called a CPAP) reduces carb cravings in diabetics, depression and anxiety symptoms, and improves sexual performance and satisfaction in men who suffer from ED.
Sleep apnea is a common but potentially dangerous condition that disrupts breathing by closing and opening the airways. This causes severe disruptions in sleep patterns and causes the sufferer to wake up frequently. If you snore loudly or find yourself exhausted after a full night’s sleep, you may be one of the estimated 18 million people who have sleep apnea.
You can get more information connection between sleep apnea and depression, diabetes, and erectile dysfunction by clicking on the links.
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