Healthy People 2030's next iteration should incorporate male-focused community initiatives that foster adequate support for the health needs of men and boys. By working together—across public health sectors, education systems, workplaces, and community organizations—we can create an environment where all individuals, regardless of sex, have the opportunity to live longer, healthier lives. Read on for more information on how men and boys stand up against Social Determinants of Health as stated in existing policy.Continue reading
Tag: workplace
Suicide Rates, Homelessness, and Workplace Injuries / Deaths: How it Affects the Lifespan of Men
Suicide Rates, Homelessness, and Workplace Injuries / Deaths: How it Affects the Lifespan of Men By: Intern Olivia Schwinn-Clanton Introduction – Lifespan of Men In the United States and around the world, women usually live longer than men. By age 65, 57% of people that age are women, and by age 85, that number increases...
Recovery-Friendly Workplaces
Dear Healthy Men: As a man in recovery, one of my main concerns is keeping my job as I work on healing—I need the income to support my family. I’m making good progress, but want to avoid pitfalls that might derail me. What, if anything, should I expect regarding my recovery on the job? Also,...Continue reading
How Men Win when They Support Women in Technology
Forging healthy relationships in and out of the workplace has benefits for everyone. When it comes to technology in the workplace, men historically have always had the edge, occupying the majority of jobs. These days however, it’s not just men who are geeking out over technology and occupying the majority of seats in colleges...Continue reading