Testosterone Is Bad. No, It’s Good. No, Bad. Wait, It’s Good Again

The news about testosterone changes so quickly that just reading about it could give you whiplash. On one hand, testosterone increases sex drive and muscle growth. That’s good. On the other hand, it’s associated with hair loss and increased risk of prostate cancer. That’s bad. Now new research is looking at testosterone as a way...Continue reading

Too Much of a Good Thing, Part 1: Testosterone, Prostate Cancer, and Baldness

Men whose hairlines have drastically receded early in life have a significantly higher risk of developing prostate cancer later on. But before you jump to any conclusions, understand that this is one of those causation-vs.-correlation things. In other words, baldness doesn’t cause prostate cancer and prostate cancer doesn’t cause baldness. But it appears that the...Continue reading

Old Men Can Be Grumpy—But at Least They’re Honest…

As men age, our testosterone levels generally fall and everyone around us seems to get so much more annoying. Well, at least it feels that way. Lower testosterone levels have been associated with depression, anger, poor concentration, grouchiness, and irritability. Levels of this male sex hormone levels start slipping naturally—and noticeably—starting at around age 60....Continue reading

Diet Can Feminize the Average Male

In a recent 2012 article in Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, there was an excellent discussion on the impact of estrogen on men. It points out that increased intracellular estrogen levels in men induce and promote obesity, gynecomastia, metabolic syndrome, type two diabetes, benign prostatic hypertrophy and prostate cancer. The problem is that with increased estrogen, relative testosterone...Continue reading

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