According to a new study, getting better sleep is the key to having better sex. Young women were more likely to have an appetite for sex and actually have sex if during the previous night, they slept better. The study’s lead author, David Kalmbach, said the results do not necessarily mean women should be sleeping...Continue reading
Tag: relationships
Workaholic – A Life Alone
I wake up most days alone. Not because I am single. I am in fact married. And not because I sleep in another room. I wake up alone because my workaholic husband has gone to work long before the sun is up. When he gets home, he says hello to the refrigerator before he...Continue reading
Rhythm of Closeness—Part III
“If he had loved her he wouldn’t have minded the distance.” —Confucius Wendell has been in recovery for quite some time now, but his mother and father haven’t. Even though Wendell is forty-six years old, his mother’s influence sticks to him like a spider’s web. He realizes that his mother has been guilt-tripping him into...Continue reading
Solutions and Cures for Passivity
The bottom line is: Passivity is the compulsion to try to get what we are desperately longing for, while doing all the wrong things or nothing to get it. (Note: This should not be confused with patience, which is knowing something worth waiting for is just around the corner — and taking appropriate steps to...Continue reading
Soul Mates: Expanding Your Possibilities
I remember reaching my fiftieth birthday. I’d relocated to theSan Diegoarea, was single again, and broken-hearted. I so wanted to be with my “soulmate,” and each time I fell in love, I was sure he was “the one.” Now I’d reached “the big 5-0,” and another relationship had ended, leaving me baffled, unsettled, despairing. After...Continue reading
Say “I Do” to Reducing Heart Attack Risk
Over the years, there have been a number of studies that show that marriage is good for men—that married men are generally healthier and less prone to a variety of illnesses than unmarried me. But according to a new study from Finland, it turns out that marriage is good for women too. In fact, wives...Continue reading
Keeping Your Distance: American Men Deal With Intimacy
Intimacy is a scarcity for American men –if by “intimacy” we mean revealing and sharing what is innermost about us. Few men live by this creed. Intimate connection becomes an abstraction, a nice idea, a frustrated lack. The typical American male can’t grasp intimacy, having precious little real experience of it. Just mentioning the word...Continue reading
Be Fulfilled: Sexually And Sensually
Most of us assign a high priority to sexual/sensual fulfillment, but few of us attain it. From my personal and professional vantage points, it seems the most important keys are self acceptance, compassion for our partners, free expression, and good communication skills. If we give to ourselves, and extend to our partners from this presence...Continue reading
Intimacy Ignorance vs. Intelligently Intimate
All too many men today have had to mentor themselves into manhood. As a result, a toxic masculine culture has evolved which glorifies a man’s aggressive, competitive, and controlling nature. Bolstered by our media culture, it perpetuates the myth of the “self-made man” compelling men to lead lives of isolation, void of deep, meaningful and...Continue reading
For Men, Time Spent with Family Members Can Be a Lifesaver
There’s plenty of research that shows that people (men and women) who spend time with friends have higher levels of well-being than those who don’t. Makes sense, doesn’t it? A new study just published in a British health journal went a step further. It turns out that having a wide circle of close relatives (outside...Continue reading