Are New Fathers Fatter?

“It’s not about me anymore, is it Doc?” I hear this all the time from men I helped to become new Dads. New responsibility, new priorities, new love. Maybe that’s why having children has been called one of few “vertical moves” in life. While fatherhood changes many a life, it’s also no bed of roses....Continue reading

Marijuana And Your Reproductive Health

Marijuana is becoming all the rage among the government types and politicos, as a chance to win votes.  There are countless (non scientific and unfounded) articles portraying the great benefit to society of increased marijuana availability, as well as its purported harmlessness.  I am personally very concerned over the panacea that has taken hold, ignorant...Continue reading

The Family Jewels: To Cut or Cover?

“OK, Honey, I’m pulling the goalie. The IUD is out. Your turn to think about contraception.” Gees, now what? Quick, go through the list in your head. Withdrawal? Abstinence? Rhythm method? Not likely. Really boils down to vasectomy or condoms. Cut it or cover it. Handling Old Faithful Gees, condoms?!? Believe it or not, the oldest known condoms...Continue reading

5 Things That Campfires Teach Us

Just spent the week camping in Yellowstone Park with the family. Great big Wyoming skies, musky forest trails, spectacular Rocky mountain vistas, thunderclap-filled rain storms and, of course, campfires. Fire Light There’s a real science to campfires. Whether you prefer tipi, lean to, log cabin, Swedish fire torch or Finnish style, master campfire makers require only...Continue reading

Do My Du Mai

Is there anything as amusing as watching Dr. Paul Turek do a double take? Picture us, at the Integrative Fertility Symposium in Vancouver, sharing the podium for an East/West panel discussion on Men’s Reproductive Health, and, as often happens, the conversation takes an inevitable turn towards the male erection. We were discussing the difficulty men might...Continue reading

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