For most of us, donating blood is a pretty selfless act that could save the life of a someone you’ve never met. But now, it turns out, that the life you save might be your own. At least that’s according to a new study published by the American Medical Association (AMA). The study shows that men...Continue reading
Tag: men’s health
Over 50? Better Lather Up if You’re Going Outside
If you’re over 50 and you regularly apply sunscreen, congratulations! Unfortunately, you’re in the minority. Fewer than 30 percent of men in that age group say they always protect their skin when going outside in the sun (compared with 43 percent of women), according to a new survey conducted by the American Academy of Dermatology...Continue reading
Take Your Medication Safely
As we age, it is not uncommon to take more than nine medications each day. Unfortunately, also as we age we are faced with memory loss, or just forgetfulness, which can cause us to inadvertently make errors, take inappropriate dosages or miss dosages of our prescription drugs and negatively impact our health. Did you know...Continue reading
Men in the Kitchen: Don’t Skimp on Safe Food Handling
Most adults have cooked their entire lives and know their way around the kitchen. However, some men are new to the kitchen and are finding it a necessity to pitch in with the cooking. You may even be enjoying yourself and wondering why you didn’t join in the food preparation a long time ago! I...Continue reading
Coffee with Sam: Donna Davidge on why yoga really is for guys
What do you know about yoga, and how can it benefit you? A lot of guys don’t think it’s the manliest of activities. If you’re one of them, you’re missing (or misunderstanding) a lot. I treated Donna Davidge to a virtual cup of coffee and asked her to explain how the ancient practice of yoga...Continue reading
Fight Prostate Cancer With Meatless Monday
I’ve always been a meat and potatoes guy. Growing up, I never ate salads or vegetables with my meals. I just ate burgers, tacos and roast, always with a side of mashed potatoes, French fries or mac and cheese. And I kept doing that as an adult — until I was diagnosed with prostate cancer...Continue reading
Men and Body Image: Guys Lose 2x the Weight in All-Male Groups Than in Co-ed Ones
It’s long been acknowledged that overweight women prefer to exercise and attend weight-management classes with other women. Surprisingly, it turns out that men may have the same body-image issues. Research presented at the recent European Congress on Obesity in Lyon, France, found that men enrolled in a 12-week, all-male weight loss class drooped an average...Continue reading
Coffee with Sam: An Interview with Cal Orey, Author of Five Books on Healing Powers of Food
I recently had the opportunity to have a virtual cup of coffee and chat with Cal Orey. Author of five books about the healing powers of food, she is inspired by Mother Nature, health, relationships, and animals. What kinds of foods can heal you? I have no idea, you will have to read what Cal...Continue reading
Fight Cancer With Facebook
How do you value Facebook? For my part, it’s helping me get through cancer. And for me, that’s invaluable. Connecting with patients, caregivers, doctors and advocates from across the world, I’ve received support and knowledge, discovered more options and have become an advocate. It can benefit you too! In the winter of 2010, I was...Continue reading
Women With Melanoma Have a 30% Higher Survival Rate And Lower Recurrence Than Men
In a study published in the current edition of the Journal of Clinical Oncology, researchers found that among people with melanoma—one of the deadliest cancers—women have significantly higher survival rates as well as far lower rates of metastasis (spreading to other organs) and recurrence than men. According to Dr. Vernon Sondak, chair of the department...Continue reading