Should Athletes Abstain from Sex Before the Big Game?

Pregame rituals are just as much a part of athletics as strength and conditioning. One such pregame ritual stopped me in my tracks. The New York Times article, “No, Sex Please. I Have a Game Tomorrow” was published after Seattle Seahawks Quarterback; Russell Wilson declared he would remain celibate during the 2015 NFL season. The theory is that athletes...Continue reading

Most common causes of abdominal fat

The waist is usually the first place excess fat goes. Unfortunately, it is also one of the hardest areas on our bodies to lose weight. Having excess belly, or abdominal, fat is worse than having excess fat on most other places on our body. It can put people at an increased risk for common diseases,...Continue reading

Best Foods For Brain Health

Green leafy vegetables Green leafy vegetables are rich in folate. Low folate levels have been linked to depression. Good sources of folate include lettuce, spinach, kale, asparagus, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, celery, and cabbage. Other good sources of folate include beets, pinto beans, black beans, navy beans, papaya, strawberries, and bell peppers. Whole grains Eating whole...Continue reading

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