which body part predicts overall health

Which Body Part Predicts a Man’s Health Issues?

Sexual issues may signal other health problems that can affect younger men. Men, if you’re experiencing bedroom performance problems or any discomforts down under, don’t ignore them. Not only can trouble below the belt sideline your sex life, it may also be an early warning sign of disease. “The penis can be the barometer of...Continue reading

The Family Jewels: To Cut or Cover?

“OK, Honey, I’m pulling the goalie. The IUD is out. Your turn to think about contraception.” Gees, now what? Quick, go through the list in your head. Withdrawal? Abstinence? Rhythm method? Not likely. Really boils down to vasectomy or condoms. Cut it or cover it. Handling Old Faithful Gees, condoms?!? Believe it or not, the oldest known condoms...Continue reading

What Ever Happened to IUI?

Can’t conceive? Try IVF. Sure, it recently earned a Nobel Prize but isn’t that like going from 0 to 100 mph just like that? Isn’t there something simpler to do first before IVF? Turkey Basting Well, maybe there is. There are 3 levels of conception technology: No-Tech (sex), Low-Tech (IUI) and High-Tech (IVF). Intrauterine insemination...Continue reading

A User’s Guide To Azoospermia

You’ve just been given what might be the worst news of your life. After trying unsuccessfully to have a child, you find out that you are sterile, no sperm, nada. “Azoospermic,” they told you. Now what? We have had an overwhelming number of people reach out to us from all over the world seeking help for azoospermia. In response...Continue reading

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