Autism affects more than 3.5 million Americans, with boys four times more likely than girls to be afflicted, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says. Autism increased in children in the United States by 119 percent from 2000, when the rate was one child in 150, to 2010, when the rate was one...
Tag: child
Am I Boring My Child? Probably Not.
Dear Mr. Dad: I’m a stay-at-home father and I’m committed to being very involved in my son’s life. He just turned one and we usually have a great time together, but I’m starting to get worried that he’s going to think I’m boring. What do I do to keep him entertained? A: This is definitely...Continue reading
Should Kids Have Caffeine? Uh, Nope.
Dear Mr. Dad: I have been noticing kids who look much younger than high-school age buying frapuccino-type drinks at Starbucks and similar coffee places. It worries me, because I didn’t think caffeine was good for children, and didn’t allow my own son to have any while he was a teenager. Is coffee really bad for...Continue reading
The Sperm Project
The signs that your partner is getting ready to nest may be as subtle as an earth quake. Suddenly babies are being put into your arms at every family function with everyone making chirping sounds about what a good father you would make. Books with baby-making tips and parenting advice may have found its way...Continue reading