HPV Not Your Problem? Think Of Yourself As A Disease Reservoir

We, as a species, seem to spend a great deal of time blaming others for our problems and nowhere is this truer than when referring to health.  Whether it is patients blaming doctors, doctors blaming government, government blaming insurance companies, the finger is always pointed at someone else.  This is something that needs to change. ...Continue reading

The Real Reason You Need a Vacation From Your Vacation is Because You Never Actually Took One

Imagine an extremely prevalent addiction that can almost guarantee a slew of health problems such as heart attacks, ulcers, strokes, insomnia, anxiety attacks, and depression. Then envision that it can in many cases lead to early death, suicide, and/or secondary addiction to drugs, alcohol, and prescription medication. Sounds awful, right? What if I told you...Continue reading

The Questions We Don’t Ask

Socioeconomic status, discrimination, housing, physical environment, food security, child development, culture, social support, health care services, transportation, working conditions, age, gender and race.  What do they have in common?  The factors listed above are believed to contribute, in one way or another, to our overall health status.  In essence, the aforementioned factors, collectively called the...Continue reading

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