A Tale of Five Men’s Health Septembers

Dear Healthy Men: I know that Men’s Health Month was a few months ago, but shouldn’t we be paying attention to men’s health all year ‘round? A: Absolutely! That’s what we try to do here at Healthy Men—and it’s actually pretty easy. There are health-related awareness periods every month (Men’s Health Month, which you mentioned, is...Continue reading

Hospitals Must do Better to Address Minority Health

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, ensuring one’s physical health became the priority. As the toll of social distancing and prolonged stay-in-place orders have shown, the importance of addressing mental health and well-being is integral to our COVID-19 response for all, but particularly for people of color. Minority communities across the nation have experienced greater rates...Continue reading

Grooming “Down There:” Fashion Trend or Health Hazard?

Women have been trimming (or removing outright) their pubic hair for thousands of years. Men generally enjoy the results (in a recent study by askmen.com, 41% of men said they prefer women with no pubic hair at all, while 38% said they prefer a nice trim), but they’ve traditionally remained shaggier than their women. That,...Continue reading

The Price of a Year Alone: Opioid Abuse and COVID-19

More men experienced mental health crises and suicidal ideation during the pandemic lockdown than in previous years, according to a recent mental health report from the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Social isolation and environmental stress also led to a rise in substance abuse— a common coping mechanism for many depressed and anxious men.  ...Continue reading

Booster Vaccinations: An Important Tool to Continue COVID-19 Protection

Men’s Health Network (MHN) applauds the recommendations from CDC and NIH announced on August 18, 2021, to make COVID-19 booster vaccinations available for those who are at higher risk of COVID-19 infections, including nursing home residents, health-care providers, and those over 65 years of age.  These were the majority of those to first get vaccinated...

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