Dear Healthy Men: I know that Men’s Health Month was a few months ago, but shouldn’t we be paying attention to men’s health all year ‘round? A: Absolutely! That’s what we try to do here at Healthy Men—and it’s actually pretty easy. There are health-related awareness periods every month (Men’s Health Month, which you mentioned, is...Continue reading
Category: Disparities
Why Don’t We Hear About Male Victims of Crime?
Dear Healthy Men: You talk about a lot of health issues where men’s concerns are overlooked or ignored. But what about crime? We all know that men commit the majority of crimes and we often hear about female victims of crime. But why don’t we hear about male victims? A: Excellent questions. But since the word...Continue reading
Hospitals Must do Better to Address Minority Health
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, ensuring one’s physical health became the priority. As the toll of social distancing and prolonged stay-in-place orders have shown, the importance of addressing mental health and well-being is integral to our COVID-19 response for all, but particularly for people of color. Minority communities across the nation have experienced greater rates...Continue reading
Fighting the HIV Epidemic Together: Addressing Inclusion for Men of Color in HIV Prevention
I grew up in an affirming faith community that had an AIDS outreach ministry in the early 1990s, which was a radical move during that period and a statement that I hope helps frame my story. For 16 years, HIV has been a major part of my life. Though my HIV status is negative, I...Continue reading
Grooming “Down There:” Fashion Trend or Health Hazard?
Women have been trimming (or removing outright) their pubic hair for thousands of years. Men generally enjoy the results (in a recent study by, 41% of men said they prefer women with no pubic hair at all, while 38% said they prefer a nice trim), but they’ve traditionally remained shaggier than their women. That,...Continue reading
The Price of a Year Alone: Opioid Abuse and COVID-19
More men experienced mental health crises and suicidal ideation during the pandemic lockdown than in previous years, according to a recent mental health report from the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Social isolation and environmental stress also led to a rise in substance abuse— a common coping mechanism for many depressed and anxious men. ...Continue reading
The Invisible Pain of Inequality
Physical pain brings little judgement from others upon the person suffering. A man’s strength does not come into question when he grimaces in pain from his broken leg. The content of his character and his place within his community do not stand in judgement as he struggles to recover. Yet what of injuries that...Continue reading
Casualties in the War on COVID
Dear Healthy Men: You’ve written several columns about the effect that COVID-19 has had on men. What about women? I’ve read recently, for example, that women are being affected disproportionately in the war on COVID because most of the jobs that have been lost were held by women. As Hillary Clinton once said, “Women have...Continue reading
Moving Forward: Working to End the HIV Epidemic
This June marked 40 years since the first cases of what is now known as HIV, then AIDS, were reported by CDC. We have made great progress in HIV testing, prevention, and treatment in the last four decades. Reductions in the number of people that get HIV likely reflect more access to HIV prevention tools...Continue reading
Booster Vaccinations: An Important Tool to Continue COVID-19 Protection
Men’s Health Network (MHN) applauds the recommendations from CDC and NIH announced on August 18, 2021, to make COVID-19 booster vaccinations available for those who are at higher risk of COVID-19 infections, including nursing home residents, health-care providers, and those over 65 years of age. These were the majority of those to first get vaccinated...