infertility + prostate cancer link

Confirmed: Prostate Cancer Occurs More Frequently in Infertile Men

Male infertility and prostate cancer are common diseases in men, both occurring in about 8-10% of the male population. Many of us have wondered whether there is any relationship between the two conditions and specifically whether fatherhood status alters prostate cancer risk. Does having lots of kids “protect” men from getting prostate cancer? Likewise, does having male...Continue reading

key to prostate cancer

The Key to Prostate Cancer: No More Unnecessary Biopsies, Radical Treatment or Loss of Sexual Potency

For more than 40 years I have been sharing my expertise about men’s health. As professions go, it’s a pretty good one. Everything I learn, I share with others through popular books like Surviving Male Menopause, The Irritable Male Syndrome, Stress Relief for Men, and my most recent book, My Distant Dad: Healing the Family Father Wound. (You can...Continue reading

he who knows his body

He Who Lives in His Body Knows His Body Best

The Case of the Year is an actual patient of The Turek Clinics. Ever feel that you know something before you actually know it? Call it premonition, intuition, hunch, instinct or just plain “gut” feeling. Powerful stuff. Especially when we combine the right brain’s “gut” with the left brain’s rationality to weigh choices and act. Not...Continue reading

rapid radiology

Rapid Radiation Therapy That Takes a Fraction of the Time

Faster treatment is possible for more cancers, thanks to hypofractionated radiotherapy. Faster isn’t always better, but in the case of radiation therapy for some cancers, accelerating radiation courses can help patients get on the road to recovery sooner. Today, about half of people with cancer are treated with radiation therapy, or radiotherapy. This treatment, which was...Continue reading

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