There are many super heroes out there. Moms, Dads, Grandparents, people who are simply lending a hand to others. We consider those people super heroes. Many of those super heroes are behind the scenes; they never get recognition for what they do, and that is okay with them. But what if you could be a...Continue reading
Category: Cardio
Why You Should Skip Your Morning Coffee
As I’ve mentioned here before, I can’t stand coffee. But I’ve seen the research, and whether I choose to partake or not (and I don’t), there are a number of health advantages to drinking coffee. As with most things in life, however, timing is important. Millions of people around the world start their day with...Continue reading
Got a Minute? That May Be All You Need to Be in Better Shape
If you have a minute to spare, and most of us do, that may be all you need to receive the same benefits as a much longer aerobic workout. A recent study published in the journal of PLOS One remarkably found that just one minute of vigorous exercise three times a week will benefit your...Continue reading
The Meditation Miracle
There’s a lot of talk these days about brain training—exercises you can do to keep your mind sharp and (hopefully) ward off Alzheimer’s and other memory-destroying types of dementia. But whether your exercises are physical or mental, the muscles you’re working out need time to recover. In other words, getting adequate amounts of downtime is...Continue reading
A Day of Action against High Blood Pressure
Today is a Day of Action for high blood pressure awareness – one of many problematic heart conditions. It’s a condition where your body pumps blood too hard throughout the body. People can have high blood pressure for many different reasons, which makes treatment and prevention unique for everyone. It’s important to visit a doctor...Continue reading
Good News about Testosterone Replacement Therapy
There’s been a lot of controversy over the past few years about the health benefits—or dangers—to men of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). Several recent studies, for example, purported to show that in healthy men, TRT increased the risk of stroke and heart attack. Two recent papers, however, have reached the opposite conclusions. The first, written...Continue reading
Top Chronic Diseases Men Should be Aware Of
Although the gap has definitely decreased, women still live an average of 5 years longer than men do. And although both men and women are affected by chronic illness, men tend to smoke and drink more than women increasing their risk of many diseases. To top it off, men are also much less diligent about getting preventative care...Continue reading
Seeking Solutions for Health Disparities
Advances in medicine and technology provide opportunities for millions of people to live longer, healthier lives – but only if they actually respond well to the therapies and can use them in ways that take into account their particular circumstances. Sadly, many people in certain racial and ethnic groups aren’t seeing the full benefits of healthcare advances. April...Continue reading
Give Yourself a D
People have been searching for a miracle drug–a single compound that could cure all that ails us–for hundreds of years. And the search hasn’t been terribly successful. But over the past decade or so, science may have gotten as close as it ever has to that ever-elusive miracle drug. Best of all, it’s either free...Continue reading
Train Your Body to Want Less Salt
Many men develop a workout regimen that targets various parts of the body – legs, arms, abs – starting with low weight and repetitions and gradually easing their way up to higher ones. This works wonders for addressing one aspect of a healthy lifestyle: muscle-building exercise. But what about healthy eating?? It turns out your...